Don't Settle For Anything Less Than a Brand Photographer

Lots of photographers say they can do headshots. It’s the most basic type of photo any photographer takes. So it should be easy to choose any photographer to help you create a great headshot, right?

Wrong. Although any photographer can take a photo of you, only a specialist who understands how important your brand is to your business presence can get a headshot that truly represents that brand and that you’ll not only be proud of, but that will actually attract your ideal clients and make a difference in your bottom line.

When you invest in branded portraits by working with an expert who specializes in understanding and incorporating your brand into your photos, you’re taking control of your brand message. So much of your marketing in today’s virtual world is visual, and even a casual headshot used as your profile photo for one of your social media platforms can communicate your brand’s value and attract clients. Conversely, is you don’t have those unique, branded images, you are literally missing those opportunities and hurting your brand.

Another advantage to having well done branded professional images ready to go is that you can maintain control of your brand when working with the media. If a media outlet  reaches out to do an article on you, you can supply your own branded images instead of letting their photographer take your picture. No matter how great their photographer is, they won’t do the research to understand your brand and they won’t be concerned about taking an on-brand image of you. And that can actually hurt your brand more than being featured in the article can help you.

If it’s been a while since you’ve invested in professional photographs, it’s probably time to do that. When you do, make sure you find a photographer who specializes in brand photography and will give you and your brand the time and consideration required to make sure you end up with branded photos that represent who you are and what your business stands for. I’d love to chat with you about how I can support you. CLICK HERE to get on my calendar for a complimentary 15-minute consultation.


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