Thinking About Dating Again? Get More Views with Photos That Reveal Your Personality

We posed Stephanie on her front porch as beautiful, outdoor spaces are important to her.

Remember when you started dating as a teenager? It was all exciting and new, and probably fun. If you’re coming out of a relationship or have been widowed and are thinking about starting to date again, it can feel like the polar opposite. It’s scarier than exciting for most people. 

I jumped back into the dating pool after my divorce and I was definitely more scared than excited. The difference this time around was that I was doing it online, which is a whole new ballgame, and it felt like a game I had once known but had forgotten all the rules too! I was amazed at what people could find out about me with a simple Googlesearch, and I was determined to make sure that my dating profile was an accurate representation of who I was and what I was looking for.

While I’m definitely NOT an expert on online dating rules, I can share some tips on creating dating images that you’ll be proud of.

Jason loves to read mystery novels and play golf. Here are some fun images that give the viewers important hints to how Jason likes to spend his time when he’s not working.

Fun Fact:

Did you know that humans process images 60,000X faster than text?

Humans are highly visual creatures. eHarmony says dating profiles with 4 or more images get the most inquiries. The first thing everyone looks at on any dating site or app is your photos. If it’s a great photo and your personality comes through in your images, it’s easier for the person checking you out to determine whether or not they want to reach out. Trust me, that’s a good thing. The goal is to get you images that show who you truly are as a person so that the people who are attracted to those traits have their interest peaked, and the people who don’t keep on moving and don’t waste your time.

I have many clients who come to me to have their portraits taken so they have images that make them feel awesome to use on dating sites. Great photos are a real confidence booster, which is especially important in dating.

To make sure that your photos convey who you are and feel like they are authentically you, consider a Social Branding Sessionwhere we can get creative together and you’ll end up with exactly what you want.

It’s important to show your full body which can also reveal your fashion sense.

Photos Make All The Difference When it Comes to Online Dating

As I said earlier, photos make (or break) your online dating profile. You can use images to share your interests, and what you’re passionate about (like your beloved pet or your vintage clothes).

Your main profile photo should be a solo shot, but the rest can be a mix of headshots, full-body images, and group or activity shots. If you say you like the beach, include a photo of yourself at the shore. If you love to ski, include a photo of your last trip to the slopes. If you’re a singer, post a photo of yourself belting out your favorite tune during Karaoke. You want your photos to represent who you are as much as possible.

Heidi included her beloved dog. Animals can increase views by 60% as most people love animals. This is also a full-body shot of Heidi as the viewer can see her full outfit selection. I love the fringe jeans as they convey another hint about her personality.

Don’t Do This

Avoid old photos that no longer resemble you, images of yourself wearing sunglasses, or anything that obscures your face. This is the number one thing I see people do wrong on dating sites. Just remember, if your photos don’t represent who you are NOW, the person you’re meeting may be very disappointed (even angry) when they show up to meet you in person. It serves nobody’s interest to misrepresent how you look. Be brave and embrace your beautiful, current self.

Avoid selfies & pictures of you with other people cut out. They get low marks. When someone doesn't have many solo shots to choose from, they often use photos with someone else in them, but that’s not a good idea. Definitely don’t use shots where you’re standing next to someone, even if it’s from a wedding or special event and you’ve cut them out.

Jason has stunning blue eyes and we paired that his a navy shirt. Being a Christian is important to him so we made sure to pose Jason that his gold cross showed up easily in his image.

Ron is very proud of his Mt. Everest achievement and he has an interesting back story to go with it. This image is important to show his portfolio for his dating images.

Ron is super playful with a quick wit! He brought his Tigger outfit and bounced around the studio.

The Social Branding Session Experience

If you’re serious about putting your best foot forward as you jump back into the dating pool, I highly recommend booking a Social Branding Session with me. We start with a relaxed chat to create a great vibe for your session. I find out your intentions for the photos and learn who you are so we can create awesome images that will help you get attention from the people who are attracted to the real you. 

When you arrive for your Social Branding Session, our dream team helps you make the best wardrobe choices, styles your hair and makeup so you look like yourself, but the best, most beautiful version of yourself, and gets you camera-ready for the most natural, authentic shots.

When it’s time for the shoot, my job is to help you relax and have fun so we get the best poses. At every point, you are in control of the images. Before you leave that day, you review everything and select the best ones. A few days later, you get three great images to use for dating profiles, social media, or wherever you want to use relaxed, natural photos that show the real you.

 You can relax because we’ve thought of everything and my process guarantees that you’ll end up with images you love and that stand out. The shots you get will look great, and keep your profile from looking like everyone else's (since most people only upload low-quality, cell phone pictures. Those are fine (as long as you follow the advice I gave above), but having a couple of professionally taken shots mixed in with your cell phone photos shows that you invest in yourself and in the message you want to send. A Social Branding Session can give you the confidence boost you need to get the people you’re interested in to swipe right!

Are you still unsure about having a professional photoshoot?

That’s totally okay. Ioffer a free 15-minute consultation so we can get to know each other and you can determine whether or not you feel comfortable working with me. Let’s chat about what you want out of your professional photos!

You can tell Heidi’s personality really shines through! The Irresistibles store in the background is a subtle hint of what a potential date can expect.


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