Up Close & Personal with the Alligators 🐊 in Shark Valley - Everglades

Don’t worry, I took my LONG lens (600 mm) to capture this toothy grin!

We were in for quite a treat!

We heard if you go to the Shark Valley part of the Everglades National Park, you can get up close and personal with the alligators. I brought my longest lens, my 600mm RF lens, but also my RF 70-200 mm because I heard these alligators even like to hang out on the bike path. I wanted to be ready for long shots and not-so-long shots and I got them all.

We went on the bike path and then returned the way we came because we heard you see the most gators next to the canal. These gators seem to know that their purpose is to thrill! Enjoy!

More great adventures from the Everglades National Park to share!

This gator was bellowing. It was kinda of scary to hear. I think it wanted another gator to move but it wouldn’t. I like how it’s teeth reflects in the water.

I thought this was neat with the juxtaposition of the spiky tail and the soft flower.

This gator needed an orthodontist. It’s interesting to see the yellow outlining its mouth. Things I wouldn’t have noticed if it wasn’t for my long lens.

It was great to see these beautiful birds foraging for their food. We also saw turtles. Someone said they saw the gator eat a turtle so not sure how well the turtles sustain themselves.

This was the beginning of our ride in Shark Valley. I was ready to hop on my bike if anything were to start moving!

This was at the end of our bike ride in Shark Valley. It seemed the gators knew they were the main attraction and they were not going to disappoint us.


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