Visiting Dinosaur Hill & a Cycling Mecca - Fruita, Colorado

Jeff and I checked out the beautiful Colorado National Monument

We’re really glad we spent a few days in Fruita, Colorado. It had a 26-mile bike trail along the Colorado River, which we rode and then ate at the infamous Hot Tomato Cafe. We had delicious pizza for dinner.

We checked out the Colorado National Monument for our evening drive and Dinosaur Hill where Elmer Riggs excavated big, huge dino bones in the early 1900s. They’re still admired at the Chicago Field Museum today. I probably saw them as a teenager.

We didn’t expect to spend any time in Fruita, but there was a snowstorm on I-70, and we didn’t want to try to go through it until the roads were clean and dry. This was a happy accident.

There are bikes and dinosaurs everywhere! I thought I was in my childhood heaven.

We enjoyed riding our road bikes along the Colorado River.Next time we want to try the Mountain Bike trails.

Dinosaur Hill is the first image on the upper left. We looked for dino bones but didn’t have that discovery. The lower right image is at the Colorado National Monument.

So much to see and experience in the wild west, but then it was time to make our way to the Denver area. We traveled on I-70, which was beautiful, going by Vail. It was neat to see people still skiing in late April. The road conditions were clear but very bumpy. I’m glad to be back in Denver for the summer!


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