Why One Great Headshot Isn't Enough

Kim Brundage Photography 2020 & 2021

If you work in corporate America or you’re an author, you may only need 1 headshot for your LinkedIn profile and your company profile image. I call that an anchor shot, and it’s definitely something I focus on with my corporate clients.

For entrepreneurs and small business brands, however, having at least 3 images gives you more versatility for not only LinkedIn, but also your Google profile image, Instagram, and Twitter. Each platform is a bit unique and each requires a slightly different type of photo to maximize your connection there. Most people want more images so they can express themselves professionally and casually. 

In order to get several great branded photos, you need to work with a photographer who specializes in helping you define your personal brand and then knows how to help you translate that to your photos during your photo shoot. That’s called a brand photographer. 

Lots of photographers say they can do headshots, but a good headshot isn’t necessarily reflective of your brand (especially if it’s only 1 headshot). Just like your personality, your brand has more than one facet. Your photos need to reflect that. So make sure the next time you’re hiring a photographer, you specify that they specialize in brand photography.

How are brand photos different from simple headshots?

Kim Brundage Photography 2022 - CEO, Tim Hanold of Care Advantage

They Bring Out Your Authenticity

88 percent of consumers say that authenticity is a key factor when deciding what brands they like and support (Stackla, 2021). That means your photos need to help you “be yourself.”

Authenticity reflects honesty, and people want to be able to trust the people with whom they choose to work. If your photos communicate authenticity, they also tell the person looking at them that you care about more than just making a profit. They feel like they are important to you on a more personal level, which makes them want to work with you.

Kim Brundage Photography 2021 -

Color Matters for Brand Recognition

Colors matter when it comes to marketing. Choosing brand colors is extremely important because it can be the single biggest factor in communicating a memorable brand. In fact, using a signature color can increase brand recognition by 80 percent (Reboot, 2018). 

Colors have a unique way of making people feel certain emotions. By the same token, if you’re wearing a brand color that makes you feel fabulous, that impacts your brand photos in a positive way. Make sure you give serious thought to what you’ll wear during your next photo shoot and choose colors that reflect your brand.

Kim Brundage 2021 - Lisa Dearden, Richmond, VA

Make a Good First Impression

It takes 1/10th of a second for someone to form a first impression of you and it takes about 50 milliseconds (0.05 seconds) for people to form an opinion about your website (8ways, 2019). 

If you’re a personal brand, it’s imperative that there be a great picture of you smiling and engaging the camera on the front page of your website. If you’re connecting with people on social media, you need to make sure your profile photo makes them want to respond to you.

Kim Brundage Photography 20201 - Yedda Stancil, Richmond, VA

Make Sure Your Consistent

Brand consistency is simply making sure that your brand values, image, and messaging are consistent across all channels. Consistent presentation of a brand has seen to increase revenue by 33 percent (Lucidpress, 2019). It’s imperative that your photos do the heavy lifting when it comes to consistency.

Kim Brundage Photography 2021 - Jenni Kirby, Owner of Crossroads Art Center

Stand Out and Get Noticed

I talk a lot about the crowded nature of social media. You’re one of a million other people vying for your ideal client’s attention. That’s why photos that stand out and are interesting are so important. A headshot of you sitting in front of a plain background in a dress blouse, head angled just so, with no real personality won’t “stop the scroll.”

It’s why I encourage my clients to bring their pets, hobbies, and passions into their photos with them. Those things make you more real and that makes you more interesting. 

The bottom line is that one good headshot won’t cut it in today’s marketing world. And your personal brand can’t necessarily be communicated in just one photo. Make an investment in your personal brand and get several photos that truly communicate who you are and what you stand for as a brand. It’s one of the best investments you can make in your business.

Kim Brundage Photography 2021


Successful Social Media Engagement Requires Branded Photos


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