Using Mirror Work to Love and Accept Yourself

Kim Brundage Photography 2022

One of my clients' most significant obstacles is not feeling good about their appearance. It can keep them from wanting to have their picture taken and impact how they show up if they do decide to get brave and schedule a professional photoshoot. Maybe you can relate. I know I can.

I’ve always been self-conscious about my small breasts. My family harped on me for being small. I used to buy the thickest padded bras I could find. In fact, when I turned 40 and was a single mom, my mother offered to pay for breast augmentation because I was never going to find a man that would be attracted to me. Luckily, I found mirror work instead and a man that adores me just the way I am!

Kim Brundage Photography 2022

Mirror work seems simple, which was introduced by Louis Hay. You just say "I Love You" to yourself in the mirror. It’s a powerful exercise. I encourage young girls to do this when I teach body image and confidence. The first time I did it ten years ago, I said it, and then I immediately had to duck as the words ricocheted off the mirror. But I stood back up and repeated it. And again. It's hard as I believe we're not taught to love ourselves, that we're instead taught to put others' needs in front of our own, but every single person I’ve ever done this mirror work with has struggled just like me. In fact, I had to consistently return to the mirror and say it until my words stuck. But eventually, they did!

Now, I’m grateful my body is the way it is. This summer, I decided to give a tasteful nod to my breasts with a self-portrait session on top of the mountain. It was great fun. I had Jeff bring his leaf blower to stimulate the wind. I purposely chose to wear black and white as a nod towards the self-hate I used to feel and the love I now feel for my ‘girls.’ 

Kim Brundage Photography 2022

I love the photos; they’re an excellent reminder of how far I’ve come to love myself.

I hope my story inspires you to take one step closer to loving your body. The war against women's bodies is constant and exhausting. We’re taught to feel insecure, and we’re taught it well. It’s up to us to change our inner dialogue. 

What does this have to do with photography? Everything! Great photos impact how you show up in the world and whether you allow yourself to be celebrated. Loving yourself means you’re more likely to allow yourself to be photographed and love the experience while it’s happening. I see photography as a co-collaboration, not a transaction. We work together to get the best, most authentic branded photos. To do that, my clients have to “let me in.” And the more they love themselves, the easier that is to do. 

Kim Brundage Photography 2022


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