4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Your Brand Photo Shoot

Reagan Tomlison is a real estate agent. She specializes in the historic Jackson Ward District

Kim Brundage Photography 2022 - Richmond, Virginia

As a brand photographer, clients ask me for guidance regarding when to get new brand photos and which ones they need to capture. These aren’t black-or-white questions; my answers always depend on specific details about each client’s needs. 

Here are four questions I have my clients answer that might support you before your next brand photo shoot.

Believe it or Not! Taking your picture with your pet increases engagement by more than 60%.

Kim Brundage Photography 2022 - Detroit, Michigan

Question #1: What Do You Want Your Photos to Convey About You?

Well-done brand photos are the easiest way to connect with your next potential client. That’s because they convey who you are, what’s important to you, and how your service or business can impact their lives. That’s why I take the time with each of my brand photography clients to learn exactly what they want to convey in their photos by having them choose three words that encompass that feeling. From there, we can look at how to capture images communicating that message.

Showing a pop of personality like Chris did with her favorite Kate Spade Dino purse helps attract your ideal client.

Kim Brundage Photography 2022 - Charleston, SC

Question #2: Who is Your Target Market?

To attract your ideal client, you must know who they are, what’s important to them, their pain points, and how your product or service can provide a solution. Before you have photos taken, be sure you’re crystal clear about exactly who you want to reach with your images. Who is your dream client? If you go into your photoshoot with that person in mind, your images will have a greater impact.

Gwen is an author and a coach. I sized this image to be her website banner .

Kim Brundage Photography 2022 - Richmond, Virginia

Question #3: Where and How Will You Be Using Your Photos?

If you’re primarily using the images from your brand photoshoot for social media, you’ll need different images than the ones you’d require for your website. If you know, you’ll be using your images in print ads or on sales pages; there are specific poses and things to consider (like backgrounds and even where you’re positioned in the shot). Knowing your needs can help you and your photographer create a shot list to ensure you get every image you need.

Having ‘negative space’ to the right of your image for your customized text is a key strategy for engagement. - Charleston, South Carolina

Kim Brundage Photography 2022

Question #4: What Environment Best Matches Your Brand?

You should definitely be deliberate about what to wear or which props to include in your brand photos, but choosing an environment that matches your brand message is even more critical. I provide several options for my brand shoots, from outside on the beach to cozy cafes. Some brands require a business setting, like an office or conference room, and others are best shot in your home, as you sit at your kitchen counter with a cup of coffee. You may even choose a few different locations to capture different sides of your brand and personality.

Professional photos are a large but necessary business investment. These four questions are designed to help you determine precisely what you need before your brand photoshoot, so you end up with photos that meet your needs and communicate exactly who you are to attract your ideal clients. 

An office environment is exactly what this CEO wanted for his branding portraits.

Kim Brundage Photography 2022 - Richmond, Virginia

If you’re ready to step up your brand photo game, schedule a complimentary Brand Photo Consultation and let’s chat!  I’d love to help you get some perfectly branded photos that you’ll feel great about sharing and using for all your business marketing needs. 


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