My Top 3 Secrets for a Great Branding Portrait

Andrea Garcia is a top real estate agent in greater Phoenix, AZ.

Kim Brundage Photography 2022 - Phoenix, AZ

Secret #1 - Getting your Portrait Taken Takes Time

A photoshoot is a bit like a dance between me and my subject. When we first start out, we’re learning how to dance together, and we need time to warm up to each other. I hardly ever take a great portrait with the first shot (or even the first several shots). My client needs time to relax, and I need time to check the back of my camera, look at the first several shots, and adjust either my client or something in the background. 

I also watch how my client moves and holds themself. I look at their different facial expressions and gestures. I do that to ensure that we end up with an authentic portrait that truly represents who they are.

Great photography takes time, and when you understand why, you can be more patient with the process. 

Kim Brundage Photography 2022 - Phoenix, AZ

Secret #2 -  Portraits Aren’t Easy

On the surface, taking a photo is easy. It’s a click of the shutter, and the image is instantly produced. That’s fine for a snapshot or a selfie, but for a professional headshot, much more goes into that shutter click.

Here’s some insight into what a photographer needs to process to get a great portrait:

Camera - I have to decide which lens to use, ensure my camera settings are correct, and that the light, composition, and camera angle produce the most flattering shots.

Subject - Since I’m the “mirror” for my client, I have to make sure their look is on point, they’re posing in a way that’s flattering, that their wardrobe works for their brand, and that they’re creating a “connection” with the camera

Story - This is where a professional photographer shines. A great headshot is professional, engaging, and has a simple yet profound look into the subject’s personality. It tells a story.

Self-confidence - I’ve talked a lot in this blog about how Insecurities and gremlins can impact my clients. I proactively support and engage with them through those insecurities to help them accept, eventually have fun, and feel beautiful. I take that part of my job very seriously.

Location -  Finally, I have a lot of input into where we stage my client’s photoshoots, whether in a formal studio, a co-working space, or outside in a more natural setting. It’s all about which environment will create the best, most authentic headshot. 

Make sure to check out a photographer’s Google Reviews and client testimonials. There will be a wealth of information in those testimonials. The higher the number of reviews, the better the consistent outcome.

Kim Brundage Photography 2022 - Phoenix, AZ

Secret #3  - Portraits are Worthwhile and Essential Marketing Assets

It’s the age of authenticity, and brands need to get real if they want to connect with their audience. 86 percent of consumers say that authenticity is a key factor when deciding what brands they like and support (Stackla, 2019).

Anyone from anywhere in the world can throw up a website, add stock images, and give it a catchy title, but consumers today are savvy. People can spot this, impacting their trust factor in that website’s brand. Your customers are looking for authentic images of you, not stock photography. You’re building the know, like, and trust factor when you show your personality, making it easier for people to work with you. Great portraits are essential for this purpose.

If you’re ready to capture your perfect headshot and want to work with a photographer with over 135 5-Star Google reviews, I’d love to chat! Click here to get on my calendar and let’s schedule your photoshoot!


3 Easy Ways to Make Your Headshot Work for You!


4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Your Brand Photo Shoot