5 Signs It's Time to Update Your Headshots

Nancy wanted her headshot to convey her warm. She’s a real estate agent in Richmond, VA

Chances are good there are some areas of your online branding that you just sort of take for granted. If you’ve worked with a branding expert, “personal brand” is probably something you’ve checked off of your “to-do” list. 

That’s fine for most elements of your brand (like your logo and signature brand colors and fonts that you use consistently online), but there’s one area where you need to continually stay up to date. Your headshots.

I get it. When you created your brand, you probably invested in professional headshots. Isn’t that also “done?” Probably not. Your personal image and how you look are the one part of your brand that’s constantly changing. Old headshots can hurt your brand. Outdated photos show a lack of investment in your business and damage your credibility with current (and more importantly, potential) clients.

Still not convinced you need to invest in a new set of headshots? Here are five signs that you do:

  1. You’ve agedNone of us like to admit that we’re changing as we age. All of us do. It’s a fact of life. If you’ve noticed some changes in the mirror, it’s probably a good idea to update your headshots. The reality is that your headshots need to look recent, so aging is the first good reason to consider updating your headshots. This is particularly important if your appearance plays a role in you getting work.

  2. You’ve updated your lookHave you lost (or, let’s face it, gained) a significant amount of weight, changed your hair, or had surgery that’s made you look different? This is another sign that it’s time to schedule a headshot session with your photographer to update your photos. At some point, you’ll have to actually meet, face to face (whether it’s in person or over a video conference) with potential or new clients. They’re expecting the person they see in your photos on your website and social media. If that’s not the person who shows up to that initial meeting, it damages your credibility.

“You only get one chance to make a 1st impression online, and your image is your 1st impression!”

— Kim Brundage

Kathy Harman is a coach and a consultant. She helps her clients live their best life! Using the “Let’s Do This” as a banner on her website engages clients to fulfill their dreams.

3. Your current headshots are trendy

If the last time you took headshots you followed a particular trend, whether this was a style of photo or an outdated fashion trend, it’s time to update your images. Unfortunately, trends never last long, which means your headshots quickly become outdated. For your next photo shoot, opt for a more timeless look and photo style so your headshots are relevant for a longer period of time.

4. People often don’t recognize you

This one applies to anyone in any industry. If potential employers, clients, or business partners often tell you how different you look in person, it’s definitely time to update your headshots.

5. You’re getting contacted for work you no longer offer or enjoy doing

If you frequently get inquiries from people who are no longer your ideal client about work that you no longer enjoy or want to do, it’s time to consider whether your headshots are sending the right message. Trendy photos of you at your computer or with your laptop which may have worked for you when you were a social media manager, for example, won’t be appropriate if you’ve transitioned to business coaching. The way you’re portrayed in your branding photos matters, and you want to make sure your images are attracting your current ideal clients.

Dr. Carmen Holmes is a physician who helps other physicians manage burnout. She wanted an environmental headshot to convey a more conversational stance.

So, after reading the above list, is it time to give your headshots an upgrade? If so, you might want to consider one of my Headshot Parties. These sessions give my clients a fun, exciting way to get their “Anchor Image” (AKA Headshot) at my very best price! The atmosphere is more relaxed than a one-on-one photo shoot, and they’re also a great way to connect with other business people in your area.

When you book your session at my Headshot Party, you’ll receive:

  • 1 profile-sized image perfect for your LinkedIn and social media profiles, media kits, business cards, website

  • A second, complimentary “thank you” image for returning clients

  • Professional camera-ready makeup and hair

  • Professional wardrobe styling

I have two of these fun sessions coming up in Richmond, Virginia in March and in early June. and I’d love to include you! You’ll want to grab your spot now, however, because these parties always fill up.

If you’d prefer a more private, one-on-one experience, let’s chat!

Are we connected on social media? Find and let’s get to know each other better! 

Click here to get on my calendar and let’s chat!

Having multiple headshots is good to have for your different needs.


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