Embracing the Nomadic Life: Why We Aren't Giving Up Our RV Adventures Anytime Soon

For the past four years, my husband, Jeff, and I have been living our dream—exploring the open road in our RV, capturing stunning landscapes, and meeting incredible people along the way.

As a branding photographer, this lifestyle has fueled my creativity and enriched my perspective on life and work. People often ask us when we plan to settle down, but the truth is, we have no intention of giving up our nomadic life anytime soon. Here’s why.

I love exploring by bike. We biked 42 miles from Loveland to Fort Collins. We had a nice lunch and then decided to bike to Horsetooth Resevoir. It was beautiful and worth the effort to climb 1,000+ feet.

Freedom and Flexibility

Living in an RV has given us unparalleled freedom and flexibility. We can choose our backyard, whether it's the serene mountains, a bustling city, or a quiet lakeside retreat. This constant change of scenery keeps our spirits high and our creativity flowing.

It allows me to draw inspiration from diverse environments, translating into unique and vibrant branding photos for my clients. The flexibility to move also means we can follow the best weather (it’s called ‘Chasing 70’ ((degrees)), avoiding the extremes and enjoying the most ideal climate year-round.

We biked to 10K feet elevation on Fall Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain National Park. It was still closed to cars. Afterwards, we had a picnic dinner in Moraine Park and watched the elk.

Deep Connections and Diverse Experiences

One of the most rewarding aspects of our nomadic lifestyle is the deep connections we've made and the diverse experiences we've had.

Each new location introduces us to different cultures, perspectives, and stories. This diversity enriches our lives and my work as a brand photographer. It has taught me to see beauty in every person and place, which is crucial in capturing authentic and compelling branding images.

The people we've met along the way have become friends and clients, adding a personal touch to my professional network that wouldn't be possible if we stayed in one place.

It’s great to visit friends and make new ones on the road. I’m with Christy, a friend from high school. We’ve known each other since 13 years old. We have a group text of girl friends that we keep in contact with from high school.

A Minimalist, Meaningful Life

Living in an RV has also taught us the value of minimalism. This is one of my favorites.

With limited space, we’ve learned to prioritize what truly matters, focusing on experiences over possessions. This minimalist lifestyle translates into a more meaningful and intentional way of living. It has given us the clarity to pursue our passions and the flexibility to take on projects that align with our values.

This simplicity and focus are reflected in my photography, helping my clients tell their brand stories in a clear and impactful way.

We love exploring our beautiful country and having new experiences. We couldn’t get these experiences through vacations. It is a challenge to work full-time and explore but once we’re done working, we have new areas to explore that we wouldn’t have otherwise.

The Road Ahead

Our nomadic lifestyle is more than a way of life; it’s a philosophy that embraces freedom, connection, and intentionality.

It’s a lifestyle that continually fuels my passion for photography and allows me to offer my clients fresh, diverse perspectives.

So, while the question of settling down may come up often, our answer remains the same: we aren't interested in giving up our nomadic life anytime soon. The open road is our home, and we’re excited to see where it takes us next.

Thank you for joining us on this journey.

Let's connect if you're a fellow adventurer or looking for a branding photographer who brings a unique, wanderlust-infused perspective to your branded portraits.

Here's to the road ahead and the stories yet to be told.


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