Embracing the Nomadic Life: Why We Aren't Giving Up Our RV Adventures Anytime Soon

For the past four years, my husband, Jeff, and I have been living our dream—exploring the open road in our RV, capturing stunning landscapes, and meeting incredible people.

As a branding photographer, this lifestyle has fueled my creativity and enriched my perspective on life and work. People often ask us when we plan to settle down, but we do not intend to give up our nomadic life anytime soon. Here’s why.

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Our 3-year anniversary of living the RV Life Full-Time

On November 3, 2020, we left most of what we knew on the Presidential Election Day to live the RV Life full-time. 

We sold close to everything and ‘burned the boat’ as they say. In hindsight, we wished we would have rented our house because of the home values and the interest rates have increased substantially.

We had two RV’s before we ventured out into full-time RV Life. We knew partly what we were getting into. Truth be told, we definitely got caught up in the romanticism of the RV Life: the freedom and the ability to see the diverse beauty of our country. We thought we would jump and the net would appear.

As with everything, it’s usually harder than you think it is, AND it’s more glorious than expected. 

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Photography, RV Life Photography, RV Life

Zebras of the 2023 Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque, New Mexico

The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is one of the world's most unique and exciting events. It is the biggest Hot Air Balloon event in the world.

Thousands of people gather in New Mexico every year to watch hundreds of hot air balloons take to the skies. And while the balloons themselves are certainly a sight to behold, there is another group of individuals who are just as crucial to the success of the event: the Zebras.

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Asking Strangers if I Could Take Their Portraits - 83rd Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

I’m naturally shy and definitely an introvert. I thought taking strangers’ portraits at the 83rd Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in Sturgis, South Dakota, would be scary and interesting. It definitely put me outside my comfort zone.

There were many strangers that I let slip by, and there were some that I dared to ask. Everyone said yes, except one person. Everyone was very nice.

My husband and I showed up one day before the Rally officially started. I wanted to miss the typical riff-raff that is notorious for this annual event.

I used a pancake lens called a Lensbaby 28 Trio.

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My RV Life: Why Are We Doing This?

I love sharing with you through this blog. I usually write helpful articles about how to get the most out of your next photo shoot or how to use your professional photos to their maximum benefit on social media. But I’m also a fairly unique photographer because I live full-time in an RV with my husband. While I’ve referenced that occasionally here, I’ve never really shared many details, and people always ask me about it.

I thought I’d take a whole month and write a series sharing some of what I love (and don’t) about living the RV life. I’ll start with the basics this week and then delve more deeply into some of the details in the coming weeks.

Here are some of the questions I get about our RV life.

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