The Top 5 Crazy Things People Have Said to Me as a Photographer

Some people would say - “Rachel is BEAU-TI-FUL - of course, you take gorgeous portraits of her.” Yes, she is beautiful. There is so much more to their image. Do you see the leading line? Do you see the wispy grass that matches her hair? Do you see the dress she is wearing? Do you see the pose? Those were all specifically chosen to make this image.

As a brand photographer, part of my job is putting people at ease so they feel comfortable with me. I’m pretty good at it, which is essential during photoshoots with clients. I guess I’m pretty good at it in my personal life outside of the studio, too, because I’ve noticed that people feel really comfortable telling me what they think about either my photography skills or their insecurity about having their picture taken. 

Here are the top five most crazy things people have said to me:

#1: “You have a great camera, which is why you take such great photos.”

This is the one I probably hear the most often. I honestly don’t think people realize that this can come across as an insult, so I try to say jokingly, “...and Babe Ruth had a great bat!” Some get it, and some don’t. 

Of course, I invest in top of line professional camera equipment! If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be a successful photographer. While the camera and the connected lenses I use are factors in the quality of the photos I take, they’re simply tools. I promise you; it’s genuinely the person holding the camera that makes beautiful photos, not the camera itself.

I’ve attended many workshops with photographers I’ve admired. I stood right next to them with the same camera, the same camera settings, and the same lighting, and I still didn’t capture the same level of portraiture as my mentor did. We all bring our own unique ‘talent’’ when capturing portraits, and we all see things a little differently. 

Marie is a repeat client. She wanted a headshot that showed off her tattoos instead of covering them up.Even though, Marie is familiar with my process, she was still a little nervous.

#2: “Of course, that’s a beautiful portrait. That person is gorgeous.” 

Beauty is definitely subjective (like art), and studies show the more confident a person is, the more attractive they are to us. We’ve all been indoctrinated into society’s beauty standards, so you may think that person in my photos is beautiful no matter what time of day or angle they’re being photographed from. 

I’ve studied photography for more than 20 years. I know how to use lighting and posing to help my clients look their best. Trust me, not every portrait I take, even of the most exquisitely beautiful person, is attractive.

It’s why we take so many pictures during a photo shoot. You won’t ever see most of those images. I see working with my clients as a collaborative process and not as a transaction. It’s us working together to create a beautiful portrait of you. Part of that process involves me and my clients going over all of the images, and the only ones that ever get seen publicly are the best ones that we’ve agreed upon. 

I make sure to get behind the camera too.

Guess what?! I’m a little nervous too. Here’s a little secret - I didn’t see my beauty until I photographed myself, and then I decided I wanted to share that with the world.

#3: “I have an Evil Eyebrow.” 

We all have insecurities about our bodies, which are never more top of mind than when we get our portraits taken. To compound that, our brains also have a negative bias. That means whenever you review your images, your eye will go directly toward any self-perceived flaw (like that evil eyebrow) first and foremost. You may even have difficulty seeing your beauty elsewhere because you're so focused on your flaws. 

Make sure you share with me what you don’t like. Chances are no one sees it except you. I’ll do my best to mitigate it while I’m photographing you. For a last resort, there is always Photoshop.

#4: “I take Horrible Pictures/I’m not Photogenic/I’ll Break Your Camera”  

To be clear, I’m unfazed by remarks like these, and I’m certainly not worried that you will break my camera (I’m not even sure where that phrase came from 😂). In many ways, I appreciate the warning that goes along with these types of comments because it means I need to work extra hard to ensure you’re as comfortable as possible during our photo shoot. 

 I believe we all have our own unique beauty. Imagine if you actually saw your beauty, and it gave you more confidence. It’s why I start with every client by simply talking and getting to know them. I watch for the way they naturally hold themself and for their genuine expressions so I can capture them. 

I see your beauty, and I know your loved ones see your beauty. It’s my job to show YOU your beauty. I offer an empowering process where you get your hair styled, camera-ready makeup, and wardrobe styling support. Trust my process, and it can be a transformational experience.

I have a whole team to help you look and feel your best! Camera-ready Makeup, Hairstyling, and Wardrobe Styling assistance.

#5: “I’d Rather Have a Root Canal than Have My Picture Taken”  

Yikes! I’ve never had a root canal, but I hear they can be quite painful. Going to the Dentist with all the drills and needles isn’t something I’d ever choose to do if it weren’t necessary. Aside from being a tad bit overdramatic, this statement actually tells me that you’ve never had a good portrait taken. If that’s true, we definitely need to connect!

So there you have it. Those are the things I hear the most from people who resist having their portraits taken. The good news is once I meet with a client and work with them to ensure they feel comfortable and confident in my process, they come into the photoshoot nervous but ready. They almost always have fun, and, most importantly, they end up with branded portraits they love. The investment in a branding session with me means they start getting compliments on their images, which increases their confidence, and that positively impacts their business. 

I couldn’t help but include a branded portrait I took last April in Columbus, Ohio, of my previous Dentist when I lived there.

If any of these resonate with you, Book a free 15-minute consult today, and let’s talk!

Check out my more than 140+ 5-Star Google Reviews. You’ll see a trend where people said they felt comfortable showing up as their authentic selves, making them love their portraits and feel more confident about achieving their dreams and goals.


How to Market Yourself in a Way That Feels Authentic


How to Strategically Choose the Best Images From Your Branded Photo Session