How to Strategically Choose the Best Images From Your Branded Photo Session

Branded Photoshoots Mean Photos You Love

One of the best parts about having a professional branding photoshoot is the fact that you end up with lots of great photos of yourself. My clients may walk into their shoots with me nervous about how their photos will come out, but because of my proven process, they are always excited about the results. I do a pre-branding session so we can customize their session and get key images they know they need. We also figure out if there are any props the client wants to include to help tell their brand story. 

My branding sessions offer five different outfits, and my wardrobe stylist will help you select clothes that will photograph well and look great for your body type (including your accessories and shoes) before your session. She’ll also be on-site during your branding session to make sure your clothes are lying right and to answer any questions you have. 

Of course, my branded sessions also include getting your hair styled and your makeup done so you’re camera-ready before your session. We want to make sure you feel fully supported and look your authentic best. Branding sessions are truly fun and affirming. We celebrate where you are in your business and where you want to go. 

Knowing Which Photos You Need

Some clients come to their branding sessions already knowing what type of images they need based on upcoming projects or specific website demands. I’m always happy to collaborate with my client’s website designer so I capture the key images they need for their website and marketing needs, and sometimes their designers even accompany them to their photo shoots to make sure we get the exact shots they’re looking for. 

Other clients get their pictures taken first and then fit them into their website and marketing needs. Regardless, we end up with plenty of truly great photos, and if anything, I find that most of my clients have a hard time deciding which photos are their favorites and which ones they should choose in order to have what they need for their marketing needs. There are five specific types of images I always make sure my clients have as we choose their final photos:

The 5 Types of Images You Need to Market Yourself and Your Business Effectively

1) Your Anchor Image - This image is a favorite headshot, and you’ll use it for your main profile image on LinkedIn and in other key places. If you’re like me, I’m sure you find yourself uploading profile images for your Slack channel, E-mail signature, membership websites, and anything else that requires a “profile” picture. Never leave those key areas blank. In this virtual world, showing your profile image creates instant authentication. 

ProTip: Did you know that some social media platforms, such as Facebook put more weight on profile images, and you’ll receive higher engagement whenever you update your profile image and banner. 

2) Horizontal Images - You’ll need some horizontal images for the banner of your website and possibly your social media profiles. 

3) Horizontal Images with Blank Space - Having some horizontal images with blank space to one side to use for customized text, inspirational quotes, and any events you want to promote is also an essential marketing tool. Have you noticed on newsstands that 95% of the covers have someone’s picture on them? That’s because the marketers know having someone’s picture on the cover will sell more magazines. Photos with built-in space for text copy make it easy to create this type of personal marketing on your website and in social media posts.

4) Your About Page Image - Did you know that your About page is the 2nd highest-viewed page on your website? We’re all built for connection, and people want to know who they might be working with. Having a great, engaging photo on your page helps to build the essential “know, Like, and trust” factor, which makes it easier for you to close the sale. 

5) Vertical Images - You’ll need some vertical images for your marketing, business card, social media, and, most likely, your About page. 

I have many very happy customers, and you can read some of my more than 140 5-Star Google reviews here.  

Not sure what type of Branding Session is right for you? Set up your complimentary 15-minute appointment to determine what type of branding session will best support your marketing needs.


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