What's it Like to Join Me for a Headshot Party 🌟?

I recently wrote a post about what it’s like to do a Personal Branding Session with me. While I love doing these one-on-one sessions, this week, I wanted to talk about another less expensive, less involved (but no less fun) way to work with me to get your anchor headshot! It’s called a Headshot Party.

I always do these types of headshot sessions for corporate staff photo shoots. It’s a way for me to work with several of their executives or managers all in one day so that everyone walks away with an anchor headshot they love. A few years ago, I decided to replicate that corporate headshot day for them after several requests for a less expensive, less time-consuming way to get branded headshots from my entrepreneurial and small business clients. That’s how my Headshot Parties were born. 

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to participate in one of these parties, you’re not alone. I get that question all the time. Here’s a “day in the life” of one of my Headshot Party participants:

The Experience

I’ll talk about the logistics and what you get in a moment, but first, I want to talk about the actual experience. One of the reasons I love these parties is because of the difference I can make in the lives of the participants.

You get pampered, just like my Personal Branding clients, and you get to work with Megan Wilson, my wardrobe stylist and also a marketing expert, and Kelsea Dayberry, my makeup artist, who also does hairstyling. We all work together to make sure you feel beautiful, which makes it easier for me to get a photo that lets you see the beauty in yourself that the rest of the world sees.

I also love that these parties bring together the coolest small business owners and entrepreneurs in Richmond (or wherever I’m doing them), and that they’re an awesome networking opportunity. Even though the appointments are spaced 30 minutes apart, you still get to interact with the other participants, creating a fun and supportive atmosphere.

Jolinda Smithson Anderson makes sure every hair and wardrobe is in place.


Every Headshot Party participant receives comprehensive instructions to ensure they get the most out of our short time together. Those instructions include the following:

  • Details for how to choose and prepare your wardrobe so it represents your brand and looks awesome in your final photos

  • We ask each participant to determine the 3-5 words that they want to convey with their image. Words like fun, approachable, confident, intelligent, studious, academic, strong, and happy (or something else) help me and my team portray you and your brand throughout the experience.

  • Advice for what to do the night before your shoot, with practical tips like making sure you get a good night’s sleep, hydrate, and moisturize.

  • Practical advice for what to do during your photoshoot to feel comfortable and relaxed

  • Tips for what to do with your anchor Headshot once you receive it

The Day Of The Headshot Party

This is the fun part! Our Headshot Parties run like a well-oiled machine. It’s a 5 step process.

Here’s a rundown:

Step #1: 5-10 minutes with our wardrobe stylist to help you determine which outfit/accessories look best on you!

Step #2: 20 minutes with a professional hair stylist to get your hair looking great.

Step #3: 20 minutes with a professional makeup artist to get 'camera ready'.

Step #4: 10 minutes of getting your portraits done.

Step #5: 5 minutes to review your images.

Whew! It may seem like a hectic schedule, but it’s also a lot of fun for all of us.

After your photoshoot

As part of the price for this session, you’ll receive a profile-sized image that’s perfect for your LinkedIn and social media profiles, media kits, business cards, and other profile images. If you want to purchase additional photos, you’ll also have the opportunity to do that.

Join me for my next headshot party!

I do these parties quarterly in Richmond, Virginia, and can also set them up in other cities if there’s enough interest. You can learn more and read testimonials from previous Headshot Party participants HERE. If you’re unsure if this is a good fit, jump on my calendar HERE, and let’s chat!


How to Strategically Choose the Best Images From Your Branded Photo Session


Peek Over My Shoulder During a Branding Session