12 Lessons from 12 Years of Being Entrepreneur

Kim Brundage Photography, Custer, SD

12 Years Being an Entrepreneur is a bumpy road, and it is also an incredibly rewarding one.

As an entrepreneur, you have the freedom to follow your passions and create something truly unique.

However, it’s not always easy, and there are many lessons to be learned along the way. As someone who has been an entrepreneur for over 12 years, I’ve learned a lot. 

Here are 12 lessons that I think every entrepreneur can keep in mind. 

Kim Brundage Photography

Lesson #1: Listen to your Still Small Voice

The first lesson I learned as an entrepreneur is the importance of listening to my gut, that still, small voice that tells you what you really want to do, even when it seems risky or impractical.

For me, that voice was photography, a passion that I had been suppressing for years. Once I started listening to that voice and pursuing photography, everything changed. I was happier, more fulfilled, and more successful in my work.

I advise any entrepreneur to listen to that still-small voice and follow your passions. 

Kim Brundage Photography; A great headshot is your anchor image that you can use in multiple places. Join me for my next Headshot Party!

Lesson #2: The Entrepreneurial Cycle

Being an entrepreneur is a rollercoaster ride.

There are highs and lows; sometimes, staying motivated can be hard. However, it’s important to remember that this is all part of the entrepreneurial cycle.

There will be times when everything seems to be going wrong, but there will also be times when everything falls into place.

It’s important to keep pushing forward, even when things get tough. 

Lesson #3 - Business Betrayal is Real 

One of the hardest lessons I’ve learned as an entrepreneur is that business betrayal is real. It’s important to protect yourself and your business from those who might try to take advantage of you.

This could mean taking out insurance or creating contracts that protect your interests. It’s not something that anyone likes to think about, but it’s essential to be prepared. 

Kim Brundage Photography; Most clients want to be approachable. Including a mug in one of your portraits is a good prop to convey friendliness.

Lesson #4: Keep Moving Forward 

As an entrepreneur, it’s important to remember that success doesn’t happen overnight. You need to set goals, break them down into manageable steps, and then keep moving forward. Don’t get discouraged if things aren’t moving as quickly as you’d like.

Celebrate your wins along the way, and keep pushing forward. Lesson 

Kim Brundage Photography - Keep Moving Forward. Break down your goals and implement them one baby step at a time.

#5: The Customer is Always Right and Some Customers are Unpleaseable

As an entrepreneur, customer service is everything.

However, even the best customer service can’t please everyone. Some people are impossible to please, and it’s important to recognize that this is often more about them than about you.

Always try to remedy the situation as best you can, but don’t beat yourself up if you can’t make everyone happy. 

You’ll put your heart and soul into your business - Knowing your Why will keep you motivated and focused.

Lesson #6: Know Your Why 

Every entrepreneur needs to know their “why.” What is the driving force behind your business? For me, it’s about showing people their beauty. I believe everyone has a unique beauty, and I want to help them see it. Knowing your why will help you stay motivated and focused when things get tough. 

Kim Brundage Photography. Having expressive and emotive images makes for more engaging content

Lesson #7: Learning that Play is Okay and even Necessary

As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get caught up in work and forget to take time for yourself. However, taking breaks and allowing yourself to play is essential for your well-being.

Studies show that playtime can increase productivity and creativity, so don’t be afraid to schedule some playtime into your busy schedule. 

Kim Brundage Photography - Have Fun and Make time to Play

Lesson #8: Keep Innovating 

Innovation is key to success in any business. It’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies and always to be looking for new ways to improve your products or services.

Don’t be afraid to take risks and try new things. 

Kim Brundage Photography - What can you do to Innovate your business?

Lesson #9: Focus on Gratitude 

Getting caught up in what you don’t have as an entrepreneur is easy. However, it’s essential to focus on what you have and practice gratitude.

Take time each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for and recognize how far you’ve come. 

Kim Brundage Photography; I’m so grateful for many repeat clients.

Lesson #10: Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help 

As an entrepreneur, trying to do everything yourself can be tempting. However, this can quickly lead to burnout.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. This could mean hiring a virtual assistant or a business coach and/or outsourcing some of your work.

Remember, you don’t have to do it all alone. 

Kim Brundage Photography; Get a mentor and find another entrepreneur to be accountability partners to each other.

Lesson #11: Embrace Failure 

Failure is a natural part of the entrepreneurial journey. Don’t be afraid to fail – it’s how you learn and grow. Embrace your failures, learn from them, and use them to fuel your future success. 

Lesson #12: Keep Learning 

Finally, as an entrepreneur, it’s essential never to stop learning. The entrepreneurial world is constantly changing, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies is essential. Attend conferences, read books, and never stop seeking new knowledge. 

In conclusion, entrepreneurship is a challenging and rewarding journey. 

Let’s chat about your brand vision and goals with my free 15-minute consult. It’s Your Time


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