Personal Branding Kim Brundage Personal Branding Kim Brundage

What’s your ROI on investing in Brand Photography?

There are many different strategies for investing in your business to help it grow and sustain itself. It can be overwhelming. Many entrepreneurs struggle with what to invest in. One question I get asked about is whether getting branded portraits are worth it and whether it means they’re vain.

There is fierce competition in whatever field you’re in. I wrote a blog about how branded portraits can significantly impact your bottom line for the good by attracting your ideal clients.

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Personal Branding Kim Brundage Personal Branding Kim Brundage

It’s about Creating Engaging Content - it’s not just about updating your branded photos

In today's fast-paced digital world, your brand's visual identity is more important than ever. As an award-winning brand photographer, I’ve seen firsthand how transformative high-quality imagery can be for businesses.

But let’s get one thing clear: it’s not just about updating branded photos; it’s about creating engaging content that resonates with your audience, tells your story, and drives your business forward.

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Elevate Your Firm: Why Lawyers Need to Invest in Branding Portraits and Headshots

In today's competitive legal landscape, where trust and credibility are paramount, investing in branding portraits and headshots can be a game-changer for law firms.

Gone are the days when a simple bio and a list of accomplishments sufficed. In an era dominated by digital communication and social media, establishing a solid personal brand is essential for lawyers looking to stand out and attract clients.

As an award-winning brand photographer, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of professional imagery in the legal profession. Here are compelling reasons why lawyers should prioritize investing in branding portraits and headshots for their firm:

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Celebrating Literary Excellence: Meet Diamond Michael Scott, Fort Collins' Renowned Author and Thought Leader

In January 2020, Diamond Michael Scott launched "Great Books, Great Minds," a project dedicated to igniting a new world of community, connection, and conversation—one book at a time. Through this initiative, he collaborates with authors to help them leverage their literary works, creating profitable opportunities that bridge literature and branding.

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Embrace Your Beauty: Overcoming Insecurities to Elevate Your Entrepreneurial Brand

As a professional brand photographer, I often work with incredible women who hesitate to step in front of the camera. Many of these women, despite their talents and achievements, feel insecure due to unrealistic beauty standards and societal pressures. If you’re one of these women, know that you’re not alone—and more importantly, know that your unique beauty can be a powerful asset to your entrepreneurial brand.

Here’s how to overcome these insecurities and embrace your authentic self to elevate your brand.

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Are You Cheapening Your Brand’s Message? How to Avoid Perceived Value Pitfalls in Imagery and Messaging

Building a brand that exudes credibility and value is paramount in the bustling world of entrepreneurship, where every move counts, and every impression matters.

However, despite our best intentions, many of us inadvertently sabotage our brand's message, unwittingly cheapening its perceived value.

Today, we will explore five common pitfalls that can tarnish your brand's image and strategies to avoid them. I wrote this blog post and recorded it with my new friend and successful businesswoman, Erica Breuer. She’s been featured in Forbes, Inc. and Fast Company, just to name a few.

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The Art of Authenticity: Why Professional Branding Photography Beats AI Headshots Any Day

In today's visually-driven digital landscape, a striking headshot is your calling card. Whether it's for your LinkedIn profile, your website's "About Me" section, or your social media presence, your headshot speaks volumes about who you are and what you represent.

It's your chance to make a memorable first impression in a sea of online faces. But in the quest for the perfect headshot, some are turning to AI solutions, believing them to be a quick fix for professional imagery. However, here's why investing in a professional branding photographer is a far wiser choice.

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Illuminating Leadership: A Branding Photography Session with Michelle Newman, Executive Coach in Scottsdale, AZ

Michelle Newman radiates a warmth and authenticity that instantly draws people towards her. Our paths converged when I had the privilege of being a guest on her podcast and attending her retreat, and from those serendipitous encounters, a creative collaboration was born.

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10 Ways to Use your Branded Portraits to Grow Your Business Today

In today's visually-driven world, brand photography has become crucial for businesses looking to stand out and connect with their audience. High-quality, authentic imagery can enhance your brand's identity and significantly impact your business growth.

Here are ten ways brand photography can help propel your business forward:

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Embracing Strength: A 60-Year-Old's Inspirational Gym Portraits

In a world often fixated on youth and perfection, there's something genuinely inspiring about embracing our strength at any age.

Today, I want to share the remarkable story of a courageous woman who defied stereotypes and stepped into the gym for a transformative portrait session. Meet Brooke, a vibrant 60-year-old whose journey through gym portraits captured her physical strength and symbolized a more profound journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

As a traveling brand photographer, I've witnessed countless individuals step before my lens, each with their own story. But there was something uniquely special about Brooke’s session.

Nervous yet determined, she arrived at the gym, ready to embark on a new adventure. Like many, Brooke hesitated to prioritize herself in the past, but today was different – today was about celebrating her journey, resilience, and confidence.

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Thrive with Rachel - Buti Yoga Instructor

Rachel is an RYT 200 yoga instructor and holds additional yoga certifications across Buti Yoga, Primal Flow, Deep, Sculpt, Buti Bands, and HotCore. She believes knowledge is power and continually challenges herself to advance her career and teachings through continued education courses she completes annually. Her commitment to herself and the collective is,“I will never stop learning and growing.”

I met Rachel through a mutual acquaintance who helped me find models for the Creative Weekend play I had with Laura Dillon Rogers Photography. We were looking for women who could move and felt comfortable in front of the camera.

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Desert Goddess Branding Session in Phoenix, Arizona

We created a Mood Board with inspirational images using FreeForm (a free Apple app). We photographed in Parago Park in Phoenix, Arizona. It was the first night of the full moon, and in the distance, we could hear a new moon ceremony with the steady beat of a drum.

Lia’s branding words convey what she wanted to accomplish with her branded portraits.

  • Capturing Movement

  • Mysterious

  • Feminine

  • Powerful

  • Luminous

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12 Lessons from 12 Years of Being Entrepreneur

12 Years Being an Entrepreneur is a bumpy road, and it is also an incredibly rewarding one.

As an entrepreneur, you have the freedom to follow your passions and create something truly unique.

However, it’s not always easy, and there are many lessons to be learned along the way. As someone who has been an entrepreneur for over 12 years, I’ve learned a lot. 

Here are 12 lessons that I think every entrepreneur can keep in mind. 

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Brand Photography: What is is, Why It's Important, and How to Get It

As a business owner, you’ve probably heard of branding and the importance of a visual identity representing your business. You’ve seen your successful entrepreneurs have multiple branded portraits. It’s time to invest in you and your business. You’re the face of your business.

Branding is more than just having a logo, colors, and fonts. It’s about creating a consistent message that resonates with your audience and sets you apart from your competitors. And that’s where brand photography comes in.

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Why Authors Need Great Branded Headshots

As an author, you know how important it is to have a professional headshot. Not only does it help you look your best when meeting potential readers and fans, but it also helps promote your book and brand.

A professional portrait can make all the difference in presenting yourself as a serious author who is worth reading.

In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of author headshots, what makes a good author headshot, what to wear for an author headshot, and how to pose for an author headshot.

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How to Strategically Choose the Best Images From Your Branded Photo Session

One of the best parts about having a professional branding photoshoot is the fact that you end up with lots of great photos of yourself. My clients may walk into their shoots with me nervous about how their photos will come out, but because of my proven process, they are always excited about the results. I do a pre-branding session so we can customize their session and get key images they know they need. We also figure out if there are any props the client wants to include to help tell their brand story. 

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5 Compelling Reasons to Get your Brand Portraits Taken

Branding for your business (no matter how big or small it is) has never been more important than it is today. That’s because the online world, where we do most of our promotions, is so visual. Just “any old photo” won’t work anymore. Having great, branded photos is the key to your success.

Here are five compelling reasons why you must have several great, up-to-date brand photos at your disposal for promoting yourself or your business online:

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My Core Mission ~ To Show You Your Unique Beauty

My greatest honor as a photographer is when clients trust me enough to allow themselves to be vulnerable and step in front of my camera. It’s something I never take lightly. I know that my job is to ensure that my clients feel safe and nurtured in that space so that they feel beautiful and confident. Sometimes that’s a huge leap of faith. Often it means working with them to help them overcome a lifetime of limiting beliefs (just like I did). 

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