12 Lessons from 12 Years of Being Entrepreneur

12 Years Being an Entrepreneur is a bumpy road, and it is also an incredibly rewarding one.

As an entrepreneur, you have the freedom to follow your passions and create something truly unique.

However, it’s not always easy, and there are many lessons to be learned along the way. As someone who has been an entrepreneur for over 12 years, I’ve learned a lot. 

Here are 12 lessons that I think every entrepreneur can keep in mind. 

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Brand Photography: What is is, Why It's Important, and How to Get It

As a business owner, you’ve probably heard of branding and the importance of a visual identity representing your business. You’ve seen your successful entrepreneurs have multiple branded portraits. It’s time to invest in you and your business. You’re the face of your business.

Branding is more than just having a logo, colors, and fonts. It’s about creating a consistent message that resonates with your audience and sets you apart from your competitors. And that’s where brand photography comes in.

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Why Authors Need Great Branded Headshots

As an author, you know how important it is to have a professional headshot. Not only does it help you look your best when meeting potential readers and fans, but it also helps promote your book and brand.

A professional portrait can make all the difference in presenting yourself as a serious author who is worth reading.

In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of author headshots, what makes a good author headshot, what to wear for an author headshot, and how to pose for an author headshot.

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My Why and 5 Steps towards your Journey of Self-Acceptance

For many of us, the idea of loving our bodies seems like an impossible feat. We're bombarded with messages from society telling us what we should look like, what we should eat, and how we should exercise. It's no wonder that we often feel like we're at war with our bodies. But it doesn't have to be this way. 

As someone who once struggled with self-esteem and body image issues, I know firsthand how difficult it can be to love your body. But I also know that it's possible. It all starts with a decision to nurture feelings of confidence and self-love. 

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How to Strategically Choose the Best Images From Your Branded Photo Session

One of the best parts about having a professional branding photoshoot is the fact that you end up with lots of great photos of yourself. My clients may walk into their shoots with me nervous about how their photos will come out, but because of my proven process, they are always excited about the results. I do a pre-branding session so we can customize their session and get key images they know they need. We also figure out if there are any props the client wants to include to help tell their brand story. 

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Stop Waiting For Perfect

If you’re an entrepreneur who’s still using an outdated headshot, there are probably several reasons why. It’s possible that you don’t love having your photo taken (this is most people, by the way, so you’re not alone). It could also be that you’ve changed quite a bit since your last professional photos were taken (maybe your hair is grayer or you’ve put on a few pounds). This might also be something you just haven’t invested the time or money into, feeling like your current headshots are “good enough,” or still look enough like you that they’re fine.

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Personal & Small Business Branding Portraits Are More Important Now Than Ever Before

Whether you are a chef, photographer, real estate agent, fitness coach, or marketing manager. your personal brand and your image are more important than ever. Branded photographs that are creative, artistic, modern, and eye-catching help your business stand out by telling your brand’s story and providing an authentic experience to your ideal clients.

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10 Ways to Help Your Brand Stand Out On Social Media

Every branding photo shoot I do has one main goal; to get my clients the content they need so they can share their brand online. Having content that communicates what you do as well as who you are is more important than ever in the crowded social media space. You want to stand out and get noticed, and branded photos are the key to that.

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Why Every Small Business Needs a Brand Photo Shoot

The term, “small fish in a big pond” has never been more appropriate than it is right now in the world of small business online marketing. No matter how you market online (social media, your website, a blog, your podcast), chances are good you’re swimming in a very big pond with a lot of other people who are all vying for the attention of the same people you’re hoping to reach.

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9 Types of Branded Photos Every Entrepreneur Needs (and Where to Use Them)

If you’re an entrepreneur, I’m sure it’s become obvious to you that just having a few good headshots won’t cut it anymore when it comes to marketing yourself and your business. Branded photos that share who you are and what you do are essential to your overall brand and allow you to visually share with your audience in a way that will make them more likely to want to work with you.

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Your Smile is Your Greatest Branding Asset

I love talking with my clients about their personal brand because so much of what your personal brand encompasses is communicating who you truly are to your potential customers and clients. A personal brand is just that…personal. It means the photos we take need to communicate your personality. One of the best ways to do that is to make sure you smile.

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Successful Social Media Engagement Requires Branded Photos

Social media marketing is a part of pretty much everyone’s marketing plan now, and if it isn’t, it should be. If you’re not convinced that social media is where your ideal clients are hanging out, I’ve got a few statistics that might just change your mind…

  • There are now nearly 4 billion users on social media

  • 57.6% of the world (4.55 billion people) now uses at least one social platform

  • Globally, there are 5.29 billion unique mobile users, which means that more than two-thirds of the world’s population now has access to a mobile phone

  • On average, people spend two hours and twenty-seven minutes per day using social media

  • 54% of social media browsers use social media to research products

  • There are expected to be at least 3.9 billion people using social media worldwide in 2022 which is a 4.8% increase from 2021

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Top 5 Personal Branding Mistakes

Personal branding has the power to greatly augment your success. It can set you apart from your competition, it can establish your credibility in your field, and it can be what cements relationships between you and your clients. It’s everything that you say, do, post. It’s how you carry yourself, how you interact with others and the impression that you make.

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Girls for a Change Historical Portrait Session - Fighting for the Forgotten Women

I thought I had paid attention. I hadn’t paid enough attention. There I was, in my naive cocoon, not even close to recognizing the full extent of my white privilege. 2020 was my wake-up call. Girls for a Change helped me see differently and gave me the opportunity to assist in the fight for the Forgotten Women.

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Don't like your Smile? Try these 5 tips instead

Most of us probably have more about ourselves that we’d like to change than things we truly love. For example, lots of people don’t like their smiles. It’s not something they dwell on, but it becomes an issue when it’s time to get a headshot or have their picture taken with their loved ones. For someone who hates their smile, being told to smile or having someone shout, “Say cheese!” instantly creates tension and elicits something more akin to a grimace than an actual, genuine smile.

I was recently working in Richmond, VA, doing what I love to do best (capturing the perfect branding photos for corporations and entrepreneurs)! I noticed that lots of the clients with whom I was working didn’t like their smile. This could have adversely affected their shoot if we hadn’t identified and handled it before they stepped in front of the camera.

So, I thought I would share my favorite tips for feeling comfortable during your next photoshoot.

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5 Lessons Learned: My first "on the Road" Branding Session in New Orleans

My previous beloved branding clients, Tek Chix, wanted to add to the marketing assets and update their branding images. Here are some quick lessons I learned while doing my first out of my home state of Virginia branding session. You can also apply these to your branding session, wherever you are at!

Lesson 1: Always do a site location preview the day before

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