5 Reasons You Probably Hate Having Your Picture Taken and What You Can Do About It

Kim Brundage Photography 2022

Having your picture taken is something virtually everyone (especially every woman) I’ve ever worked with has expressed some level of anxiety around. It’s an emotional thing to do (even for me). 

It seems like all of my insecurities come straight to the forefront when I step in front of a camera and I’m plagued with negative self-talk about my hair, my face, my body, my wardrobe, you name it. 

If that happens to you as well and you’re not careful, those voices can be so loud they become overwhelming and they shut you down (exactly the opposite of how you want to show up to get authentic, beautiful photos that allow the real you to shine through).

I’m here to tell you that those voices are liars. I’m here to tell you that you matter.

Let me repeat that for those in the back who may still be hiding behind their hands, afraid to “smile for the camera.”

❤️ You matter ❤️

In our ever-increasing visual world, showing up as your authentic self matters more than ever. That’s hard to do when you’re feeling completely insecure.

Kim Brundage Photography 2022

Here are 5 reasons you probably hate having your picture taken (and what to do to change your thinking):

#1 - Someone, sometime (maybe your mother) told you you weren’t photogenic

I’m a professional photographer with more than 10 years of experience and I’m here to tell you…I’ve never met anyone who’s “unphotogenic.” It’s a lie. Given the proper level of confidence and the right encouragement, everyone can take an awesome photo.

#2 - You’ve always hated your smile

I get it!

Maybe you hate your teeth or one eye closes more than the other when you smile (which is totally normal) or you may have a gummy smile. But your smile is a part of WHO you are, and that’s what people know and love you for. Once we capture your personality on camera, you may just decide you love it!

Kim Brundage Photography 2022

#3 - You unknowingly look at unrealistic, photoshopped images all day, every day

Can I tell you a secret? Most of the photos you see online, especially of celebrities, are photoshopped. REAL people don’t look like that, so why would you hold yourself to an impossible standard?

I once heard even Cindy Crawford say that she wishes she could look like the published magazine cover that everyone sees.

When you understand that 99% of the photos you look at are photoshopped and internalize this, your whole attitude can change.

#4 - You think everyone notices your flaws as much as you do

They don’t.

Trust me.

They’re too busy focusing on their own self-perceived flaws.

Kim Brundage Photography 2022

#5 - You’ve never felt good about the outcome of a professional photoshoot before

This is the easiest one to fix, and I feel confident that I’ve got the magic formula to do that for you.

I’ve had so many clients walk into my studio for their photoshoots anxious and miserable, ready to “get this over with.” My makeup, hairstyle, stylist team, and I always have one simple goal; to make sure we support each client so they feel beautiful, to help them realize that the camera will look for their best side, and to make sure their amazing personality is captured in their images. (Okay, I guess technically, that’s three goals, but you get the idea).

Kim Brundage Photography 2022

We want you to feel beautiful because that will help you feel confident, and confidence inspires authenticity. When you’re those three things, your photos can’t help but be amazing, because you shine through in your photos.

I’ve seen some incredible transformations happen right before my camera. Women who looked miserable 2 hours before, as they arrived at my studio. Women who, once they are camera-ready and realize they can trust me to bring out their “best side”, come to life and actually enjoy the process. 

More importantly, the final product of amazing, authentic photos can literally change your entire perspective. And that changes the way you show up. Suddenly, everything you do is infused with the confidence of that woman in the picture.

Kim Brundage Photography 2022

That’s why I do what I do. It’s possible for you to experience a photoshoot you love and to end up with photos you’re proud to share. It’s made for some inspiring stories, and you can read them in the dozens of 5-star Google reviews I’ve got here.

Isn’t it time for you to gain the confidence that an inspiring photoshoot with supportive people who only have your best headshots as their goal can provide for you? I think it is! Let’s jump on a quick, 15-minute, no-obligation Zoom session and make a plan together. Get on my calendar here.

Click here to get on my calendar and let’s chat!


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