9 Types of Branded Photos Every Entrepreneur Needs (and Where to Use Them)

Make sure your branded images have negative space so you can easily add customized text to promote your events or have an inspirational quote.Kim Brundage Photography 2022

If you’re an entrepreneur, I’m sure it’s become obvious to you that just having a few good headshots won’t cut it anymore when it comes to marketing yourself and your business. Branded photos that share who you are and what you do are essential to your overall brand and allow you to visually share with your audience in a way that will make them more likely to want to work with you.

Let’s look at the nine different types of photos I recommend for my own branding photoshoot clients and where you’ll use each one.

Having a strong professional headshot or anchor image gives you the confidence to put yourself out there more.

Kim Brundage Photography 2022

#1 - A Professional Headshot

This is the most common, simple photo you’ll need. It should highlight you at your most professional against a plain background (whether in the studio, outdoors against a plain wall, or in an environment shot like the example above). You’ll use this photo for your social media profile pictures and for things like business cards and even a signature on your email.

Joli is a COO consultant and works in the construction industry. Having the wooden planks is cohesive to her environment. This gives her a lifestyle headshot.

Kim Brundage Photography 2022

#2 - A Lifestyle Headshot

While your professional headshot is essential, a more candid photo of you in a more relaxed outfit and background or location is also imperative. They’re usually more interesting and draw your viewers in, so are great to use in social media posts or on brochures and bio sheets.

Beth McCombs loves drinking wine (hobby photo) and sharing her favorite brands with her real estate clients.

Kim Brundage Photography 2022

#3 - A Hobby Photo That Shows Your Personality (or even a few)

These are my favorite types of photos to take because they feature your personality and tell your viewers more about who you are and what’s important to you. I love to feature props, pets, and locations that share your passions and hobbies. These are great to use in social media posts and on your website to communicate on a more personal level with your audience.

Joli is busy working and planning her goals for the 2nd half of 2022. Kim Brundage Photography 2022.

#4 - A Photo of You Working

Do you work in a home office or shared workspace? On a desktop or laptop? Are most of your work done on your phone? Maybe you’re mobile and spend the bulk of your time behind the wheel.

Regardless, it’s important to have a few photos of you actually working to give people a bit of a “behind the scenes” view of who you are and what you do. This can feature your desk or the exterior of your office (if you have one). They can also feature just your hands on a laptop or using your cell phone, or an attractive corner of your office. These photos are great for your website and in presentations since they communicate action.

Seeing you working gives your potential client of what it’s like to work with you. Kim Brundage Photography 2022.

#5 - A Photo of you Interacting with a Client

This is one many brand photographers miss but it’s a great image to have in your portfolio because it shows you interacting with a client in a positive way.

Psychologically, this instills confidence in someone who’s considering working with you. Even if the bulk of your work is virtual, a shot of you on a Zoom call with a client or talking on the phone will have the same effect. Invite clients, friends, or even family to play the “role” of your client for this part of your shoot. These photos can be great for your “Work with Me” page on your website.

Behind the Scenes are great for your social media feed.These were taken in Richmond, VA. Koby Fiebelkorn 2022

#6 - Behind the Scenes Photos

As a photographer, I love behind-the-scenes photos. I have photos on my website and often share images on social media of me actually photographing a client or setting up to do that. For you, this can include you actually working with a client, brainstorming, and planning, or working on a project. You can use these photos as promotional shots for your website or when you’re promoting your services online.

#7 - Photos of Your Logo and Branded Products

All serious businesses have a logo (even if yours is a personal brand and just features your name). If you feature that brand on anything (coffee cups, pens, hats, or anything else with your logo on it), why not show that off in a few professional shots? Logo shots show off your brand, give you instant credibility, and keep you top-of-mind for your clients. These can be used on your website and to give your social media posts a branded boost.

Mary Foley loves to wear her red cape and uses her pointing images to draw attention to her event.

#8 - Photos of you Pointing or Reacting

These photos are specific to those who market online and can include shots of you pointing to the right, left, up, or down, and photos of different, specific facial expressions to help communicate visually even before anyone reads anything.

Graphic designers and marketing people love these shots and use them in banners or advertisements to highlight what you’re offering in a personal, unique way.

My husband Jeff, sells this product for RV Owners to check their camper’s vitals.

Kim Brundage Photography 2021.

#9 - Product Photos

This last category may or may not apply to you, depending upon whether or not you sell physical (or even digital) products. If you do, including a few shots of your products on their own and being used by you is a smart thing to do during your photo session time. These photos can be used on the sales page of your website or on social media to help drive sales.

You don’t have to have a million photos in order to market yourself online, but having some specific, strategic, branded photos from each of the above categories will ensure that you always have what you need in order to do that effectively.


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