Age is a Plus for Your Personal Brand

When I left my corporate marketing career to open my photography studio in Richmond, I had my fair share of worries and self-doubts. Those kinds of worries come with the territory of doing anything new. One of the most common self-doubts is the worry about being “too old” to try something new. I’m not sure what we believe is the “magic” age for starting a new business or changing our life path, but it always seems like it’s younger than our current age!

There's a popular Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

That’s certainly true of four amazing women I had the pleasure of photographing earlier this year.

we’re only as old as we feel.

At 72 years of age, Jackie is living proof of that. Jackie did a branding session at my studio because she’s applying to be a contestant on The Bachelor: Senior Citizen Edition!

We had such fun at her Social Branding Session. Jackie has been a widow for ten years and she’s ready to find love again.

Bravo, Jackie! You’re living proof that age is just a number.


One of the reasons I love my work is because I get to spend time with people who are striving to do more and be more—and don’t let other people stop them from going after their dreams.

Anne is the owner of Agriberry USA, the only fruit CSA in Virginia.


When I asked Anne why she is still going strong in her business when other people her age are contemplating retirement, Anne told me, “I’m not going to let 40 years of experience go to waste!”

I love ❤️ it!

CJ is a Chief Financial Officer in a male-dominated industry. I asked why CJ decided to invest in her personal brand.

She told me that she wants to stand apart and help promote her speaking opportunities.


Many of my female clients say they experience challenges working in male-dominated industries. Though I wish it weren’t true, many of my female clients also say that getting older as a woman isn’t seen as gaining wisdom the way it’s perceived for men. That’s why having strong, dynamic branded images conveys the first impression that you want.

CJ: Thank you for reminding us that age is a plus! You’re a fabulous role model for us all!

Lisa Jones is a leadership coach in her 60’s. And if you can’t tell from her gorgeous smile, let me tell you: this woman radiates warmth and leadership!

I wanted to share these women with you for a few reasons.

  1. Don’t ever let doubts about your age stop you from pursuing your dreams.

  2. See your age as a plus, not a minus. Every year, you learn more. That wisdom is highly valuable!

  3. Be inspired by Jackie, Anne, Cy and Lisa. These women are proof that you’re only as old as you feel.

I like to end my notes and articles with “Live Your Potential.” These women are truly living their potential. I hope you’re inspired to live your potential, too!


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