Capturing Resilience: A Photography Branding Session with Diana Parra in Scottsdale, AZ

In the heart of the vibrant city of Scottsdale, Arizona, amidst the backdrop of desert landscapes, lies a story of resilience, transformation, and hope. Diana Parra, M.A., a Transformational Coach and Certified Grief Educator has dedicated her life to guiding women through the depths of grief and loss toward a renewed sense of self.

Through her personalized coaching and compassionate guidance, Diana helps her clients navigate the turbulent waters of loss and emerge stronger, more resilient, and ready to embrace life once again.

We found a luxury location at Diana had professional hairstyling and camera-ready makeup and wardrobe styling support which is included in all of my branding sessions.

Collaborating with Diana on my signature branding session was a joy!

Having worked together previously, I felt deeply honored when she approached me for this project. Together, we embarked on a journey to capture her work's essence and the spirit of her mission. Through a blend of her expertise in psychology, neuroscience, and grief counseling, we aimed to showcase her unwavering dedication to facilitating healing and empowerment for women.

As we delved into the heart of Diana’s branding session, it became evident that every frame captured held a story of resilience and hope. Diana, adorned in soft hues that complemented her branding colors, exuded a quiet confidence and a serene sense of purpose. With each click of the shutter, we immortalized moments of introspection, determination, and newfound clarity.

One of the most poignant aspects of Diana's work is her emphasis on the journey of self-discovery and identity redefinition that often follows tragic loss. Through her own experiences of navigating through miscarriages and health challenges, Diana brings a profound sense of empathy and understanding to her coaching practice. We sought to convey the vast possibility that awaits those who dare to embark on their self-healing journey.

Diana shared insights into her holistic approach to coaching which is rooted in principles of neuroscience and psychology. Her expertise as a licensed brain health trainer adds a unique dimension to her practice, offering clients practical tools to enhance their cognitive function, resilience, and overall well-being.

Throughout the branding session, Diana's authenticity shone through, illuminating each frame with radiant warmth and genuine compassion. Her presence is a testament to the transformative power of vulnerability and authenticity.

Diana reflected on the profound privilege of bearing witness to the resilience of the human spirit.

She spoke of the profound connections forged in the crucible of grief and the transformative power of embracing vulnerability and authenticity. Through her work, she seeks to create a safe haven for those navigating the depths of loss, offering them a beacon of hope and a gently guiding hand toward healing.

I’m grateful for my time with Diana. She’s an extraordinary transformational coach. Please check out her website:

I recently increased my branding sessions to 50 images, and I’m loving the experience even more! I realize I’m serving the clients better so they can have more images to use for their marketing needs. Make sure you check out my blog post 10 Ways to Use Your Branded Portraits to Grow Your Business Today!


Illuminating Leadership: A Branding Photography Session with Michelle Newman, Executive Coach in Scottsdale, AZ


10 Ways to Use your Branded Portraits to Grow Your Business Today