Illuminating Leadership: A Branding Photography Session with Michelle Newman, Executive Coach in Scottsdale, AZ

In the sun-kissed city of Scottsdale, Arizona, amidst the touring saguaro cacti, lies the vibrant life of an executive coach. Michelle Newman radiates a warmth and authenticity that instantly draws people towards her. Our paths converged when I had the privilege of being a guest on her podcast and attending her retreat, and from those serendipitous encounters, a creative collaboration was born.

Michelle is a coach for her daughter’s basketball team. We wanted to include a basketball with an open door to invite a conversation.

As a photographer, I relish capturing the essence of individuals dedicated to empowering others and fostering positive change. Michelle's approach to executive coaching is grounded in empathy, authenticity, science, and a deep understanding of human behavior, making her an ideal subject for a branding photography session to showcase her unique talents and unwavering dedication to her clients.

One of the most striking aspects of Michelle's approach to coaching is her emphasis on authenticity and vulnerability. As we transversed through our stunning location, we sought to encapsulate Michelle's genuine warmth and approachability in each frame captured. Clad in professional attire that exuded confidence and sophistication, Michelle effortlessly commanded attention while remaining approachable and relatable—a testament to her innate ability to connect with others on a deeply personal level.

Michelle shared insights into her unique coaching methodology, rooted in emotional intelligence, science, mindfulness, and authentic leadership principles. We sought to convey the dynamism and energy that defines Michelle's coaching style, capturing moments of introspection, connection, and transformation.

One of the most memorable moments of the retreat I attended was when Michelle shared anecdotes from her own journey as an executive coach and the profound impact she has had on the lives of her clients. With each story shared, her passion for empowering others and fostering positive change shone through, illuminating each frame with a sense of purpose and meaning.

Michelle is a beacon of inspiration and hope for executives seeking to unlock their full potential.

She empowers her clients to lead with courage, compassion, and integrity through her unwavering commitment to authenticity, empathy, and personal growth.

As a photographer, it was an honor to document Michelle's journey, capturing moments of connection, transformation, and profound insight against the vibrant backdrop of the Arizona desert.

I recently increased my branding sessions to 50 images, and I’m loving the experience even more! I realize I’m serving the clients better so they can have more images to use for their marketing needs. Make sure you check out my blog post 10 Ways to Use Your Branded Portraits to Grow Your Business Today!


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