Mother Daughter Portraits in Melbourne, FL

“Our relationship with our Mother is birthed simultaneously with our entry into the world. We take our first breath of life and display the initial dependent, human longing for protection and love in her presence. We are as one in the womb and on the birthing table. This woman, our mother…all that she is and is not…has given us life. Our connection with her in this instant and from this point forward carries with it tremendous psychological weight for our lifelong well-being.” Karyl McBride, Ph, D.

Michelle is my best friend and she lives in Moscow, Russia. She is a chef at the American Embassy. She has lived there for 12 years. About once a year she tries to come back to the States to see her mom in Michigan and me previously in RVA. This time she and her mom met us in Melbourne, FL so we can hang by the beach. It was a herculean effort for her to come during COVID travel restrictions. Michelle made sure to get COVID tests regularly and we practiced the CDC guidelines. Nobody became sick and we were all grateful for our short time together.

My own mother passed away 2+ years ago. Her death hurt deeply despite sharing an estranged relationship for many years. I don’t regret giving myself the space I needed for my own mental health.

I’m keen on observing other mother/daughter relationships and I’m also aware a mother’s physical body won’t be around forever. I offered to photograph their beautiful bond and celebrate their deep affection for each other. It was such a beautiful exchange to witness and capture.

Make sure you get in the picture with your loved ones. You’ll be glad you did 2, 5, or 10+ years from now. It is all special.

I love eating with Chef Michelle and going grocery shopping. She always introduces something new to me. Of course, we enjoy going to the beach together as much as possible.


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Christmas in Clearwater, FL