Fortune and Misfortune: A quick life lesson from my bike crash

Near the end of first bike packing trip - it is always fun to have your picture taken in front of the VA LOVE signs.

My personal philosophy is that 96% of the time it is going to be alright!  But life happens … and we have very little control of it. I experienced this truth HEAD-ON when I was being taken by ambulance to the emergency room a few weeks ago.  

My husband and I tried a new type of cycling called bike packing. We packed and carried our tent, food, and clothing on our bikes. We rode 36 miles to a campsite, spent the night, and then proceeded to bike back to our car the next morning. It was a great trip and I was feeling ecstatic that I survived a night in a tent. (I’m more used to glamping 😃). 

Our bikes were loaded with our tents, food and clothes.

As I was biking, an oncoming cyclist lost control of his bike and went down right in front of me causing me to hit him, land on my chin, then my left side, and roll in poison ivy. My last thought was “Oh no, he is going to fall.” An ambulance ride brought me to VCU ER where I was cleared with 3 stitches in my mouth and very bruised ribs.

My carbon fiber fork took the brunt of the accident. At least it’s bones broke and not mine.

2020 was already shaping up to be a weird year for all of us and then this “extra” happened taking me out of my beloved biking and photography for a good three weeks. 

Life happens and we have very little control of it. 

I’m proud of myself for trying something new. I’m proud of myself for getting back on my bike. And I feel very lucky that I didn’t break any bones. 

Yes, we all experience misfortune and it sucks! 

I chose to focus that I get to experience a whole lot of fortune! I get to live my life with purpose and the way I want to live my life.

The same is true for our work. Misfortune is inevitable. But for me, not trying and not striving is the greatest misfortune. 

Picking up my ‘green machine’ with a new fork. I’m ready to roll again!


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