What You Can Do Today to Still Be Open for Business Tomorrow

When COVID-19 hit, I knew I had to put my thinking cap on to strategize how to pivot and navigate my way forward with my business. I also knew I had amazing friends, mentors, and coaches I could lean on to help me look at my challenges with a fresh perspective.

That’s why recently I did a Zoom training with two of my amazing friends and business rockstars to share ways to help our community take simple actions today to ensure our businesses remain open and thriving.

Mary Foley helps women entrepreneurs to gain the clarity, confidence, and consistency of action for success. Shannon Loy runs The Social Ginger, which builds brands and grows client revenue through social media.

In the video, we share 12 actions you can take today that are simple and effective to help you grow your business.

Each of us shared three practical and effective strategies to help you, as Mary says, to “rev up” your business. We also shared our favorite affirmations to keep our minds positive and focused on doubling down on the right things to help our businesses to thrive and flourish.

As we share in the video, “We didn’t come this far to only come this far.”

All of us have worked so hard to build our businesses. None of us were AT ALL INTERESTED in losing the sweat and financial equity we’ve put into our businesses. If that sounds like you, too, watch the video!

The pandemic and stay-at-home orders made doing business a challenge. But look at how much we have learned, adapted, and grown as a result of these challenges!

As businesses re-open, we want you to be inspired, empowered, and focused on doubling down on what’s working. We also want you to feel confident that you can make small but meaningful changes to tweak and improve what isn’t working in your business today to ensure a better tomorrow for your business.

I shared in the video that “A confused mind does not buy.”

  • Is your brand confusing?

  • Is your message not well-honed?

  • Are your branded images dated or not representing you and your business today?

  • Is it time to hone your positioning and message?

Don’t let another day go by without addressing the essence of your personal brand and business positioning.


In addition to this free video training, Mary, Shannon, and I want to offer even more bonuses to help you grow and move in the right direction.

Shannon Loy at The Social Ginger is offering a free guide with tips, tools, and resources to up your social media game. Access the social media guide here.

Mary Foley is offering a free video series to provide practical tips to rev up your business. You can access Mary’s free video series by visiting KeepMyCapeFlying.com.

I am offering a free brand consultation! Together, we’ll do an assessment of your current brand to identify ways to hone your message, best leverage your digital tools like your website and social media presence, and how you expertly communicate your well-honed positioning.

To schedule your free brand consultation with me, click here to schedule your appointment.

I hope you find this video a helpful resource, I hope you’ll take advantage of our additional free resources, and please contact Mary, Shannon and me if we can help you to grow your business with confidence and clarity!


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