Let me Guess...You HATE Having your Picture Taken

Most of us HATE having our picture taken - I know, I was one of them!

Some of my clients agree that they would rather have a root canal then to have their picture taken! 

These comments used to baffle me and they felt familiar. I use to feel the same way. Maybe not as strong but I could still relate.

How could having your picture taken create so much angst?

Me on the left with my high school friends, posing awkwardly.

After photographing HUNDREDS of amazing people, I identified the top three reasons people hate getting their picture taken. This insight led me to develop my own “Secret Sauce” for getting my clients to feel comfortable and confident during our photo sessions. 

Mary Foley, CEO of the REV UP Society

Here are the top reasons people hate getting their photos taken. See if any of these ring a bell for you! 

Top 3 Reasons Why You Might HATE Having Your Picture Taken:

  1. You have bad pictures of yourself and are worried that hiring a professional photographer is going to yield more bad pictures. Why invest in something that you aren’t going to be happy with?

  2. Somebody close to you (family, friends, spouse) made an unkind comment(s) that you’ve taken as the absolute truth. Do you know your brain has a negativity bias and it is easier to attach to negative comments and experiences than it is to compliments and good experiences? That’s because our brain is trying to keep us safe. It helps us remember the negative better so we can avoid those experiences. 

  3. You forgot the exact reason why you HATE having your picture taken and you know it is the emphatic truth just like the sky is blue. 

Talk about a negativity bias - all I could focus on this picture was how big my thighs look. Now I see the fun I had with my friends canoeing on a New York lake.

And to add to this, then there are the excuses:

We all remember when we were thinner and younger

  1. I need to lose 10-20+ pounds. 

  2. I have too many wrinkles. 

  3. My smile looks like I am smelling a fart! 😂

Trust me, I’ve been there, too. 

The self-portrait of me that changed everything - I finally saw my beauty! <2015>

I didn’t believe I was attractive, let alone take a decent picture. 

I grew up with family members that meant well but they constantly made body image paramount and I didn’t measure up. In fact, I was told that no man was going to want me unless I got cosmetic surgery! I believed them and carried myself with low self-confidence for a long time. (Thank goodness I never got plastic surgery!) 

You can imagine my client’s dismay when I tell them they will have F-U-N during their session. The complete opposite experience than what they expect it to be. 

Yup! We threw money around for Ellen’s Branding Session! Ellen is a fractional CFO.

What’s my secret sauce for getting my clients to feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera?

  1. I see your beauty and so does everyone on my dream team (you get camera-ready makeup, hairstyling, and wardrobe assistance)! Yep, you have beauty. If I can discover my beauty, so can you. 

  2. I believe in you. Yes, YOU!

  3. I study posing for different body types and I know how to work those angles to give you the best results. I know exactly where to put your hands.

  4. For my personal branding sessions, I do a full consultation with you to identify your goals for the images. This in-depth time allows us to build rapport and for you to have confidence that I have your best interests and goals in mind. 

I see your beauty and my team sees your beauty too!

Cornelius Johnson, CEO of SlimStrength Activewear

And if you think this post is for women only, you are wrong. My male clients “suffer in silence” and have these same fears, thoughts, and concerns. We deliver the same secret sauce and get the same positive results. Have you checked out my 90+ 5-Star Google Reviews?

Book a Free 15-Minute Consult

Having at least a strong headshot is paramount in today’s world where virtual meetings are the norm. We are wired for connection and we are curious about what our colleagues look like. Make sure you take charge of your first impression. 

Headshot Party - August 19

Wearing my favorite Benetton t-shirt from high school - feeling confident in front of the camera

I want you to be proud of your headshot and your personal branded images.

Final Result!

It may boost your confidence AND realize you are beautiful just the way you are!




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