Personal Branding Kim Brundage Personal Branding Kim Brundage

What’s your ROI on investing in Brand Photography?

There are many different strategies for investing in your business to help it grow and sustain itself. It can be overwhelming. Many entrepreneurs struggle with what to invest in. One question I get asked about is whether getting branded portraits are worth it and whether it means they’re vain.

There is fierce competition in whatever field you’re in. I wrote a blog about how branded portraits can significantly impact your bottom line for the good by attracting your ideal clients.

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5 Compelling Reasons to Get your Brand Portraits Taken

Branding for your business (no matter how big or small it is) has never been more important than it is today. That’s because the online world, where we do most of our promotions, is so visual. Just “any old photo” won’t work anymore. Having great, branded photos is the key to your success.

Here are five compelling reasons why you must have several great, up-to-date brand photos at your disposal for promoting yourself or your business online:

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My Core Mission ~ To Show You Your Unique Beauty

My greatest honor as a photographer is when clients trust me enough to allow themselves to be vulnerable and step in front of my camera. It’s something I never take lightly. I know that my job is to ensure that my clients feel safe and nurtured in that space so that they feel beautiful and confident. Sometimes that’s a huge leap of faith. Often it means working with them to help them overcome a lifetime of limiting beliefs (just like I did). 

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How Women Can Develop and Promote their Personal Brand

As an entrepreneur, you probably hear how important your “personal brand” is all the time. Having a personal brand that allows you to stand out has many benefits, from helping you connect with your ideal clients and people who need what you’re offering to help to build your reputation in your industry. A great personal branding photograph can communicate who you are, and what you stand for, and help you truly stand out from your competitors.

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Top 5 Personal Branding Mistakes

Personal branding has the power to greatly augment your success. It can set you apart from your competition, it can establish your credibility in your field, and it can be what cements relationships between you and your clients. It’s everything that you say, do, post. It’s how you carry yourself, how you interact with others and the impression that you make.

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Eight Vital Lessons I learned from Downsizing Quickly

The Organizing shows are all the buzz and Richmond is getting a Container Store. I thought I was ready to downsize…then reality hit!

My husband and I decided in mid-July to sell our home, my car, and most of our belongings in exchange for living in a 300 square foot RV. We quickly sold our home and major items but downsizing presented quite the challenge.

See if any of these ring a bell for you!

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Let me Guess...You HATE Having your Picture Taken

Let me guess — You HATE having your picture taken?! Some of my clients agree that they would rather have a root canal then to have their picture taken!

These comments used to baffle me and it felt familiar! How could having your picture taken create so much angst?

After photographing HUNDREDS of amazing people, I identified the top three reasons people hate getting their picture taken. This insight led me to develop my own “Secret Sauce” for getting my clients to feel comfortable and confident during our photo sessions.

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They say to Leave on a High Note and this is What I've Decided to Do!

They say to leave on a high note and this is what I’ve decided to do.

2020 has been such a year of tremendous change. The forced “pause” in my business gave my husband, Jeff, and I time to reflect on what we want from our one precious and beautiful life together.

After much reflection, we decided to take a big leap to follow our bigger dreams ahead.

Jeff and I sold our home, my car, and our 4 bikes. We turned around and bought 2 more bikes, simplifying our lives all along the way.

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Inside Look: RVA Executive Branding Photography Do's and Don'ts

I have the best job in the world. I get to create branded portraits of amazing people to help share their message to future clients and open doors to new opportunities. Recently I was awarded Best Richmond Portrait Photographers, which is thrilling! This award, along with my distinction for being a Top Branding Agency and a Top 3 Commercial Photographers in Richmond, is due to my amazing clients.

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