How I Pivoted During the Pandemic

Like you, COVID-19 threw me for a loop. Thankfully, my family’s health is good, but my business is about being up close with my clients … so naturally the stay-at-home orders and social distancing made work a challenge. After all, as a Richmond-based photographer and personal branding specialist, I work directly with my clients. So I had to get creative to add value to my clients and audience these last several months.

I wanted to give you a snapshot of different things I did to help keep my business going and my creative juices flowing during the pandemic. My hope? That you get a few kernels of inspiration for your business and enterprises. We all had to learn new skills during the pandemic. If there’s a silver lining, it’s that we all recognize that we can innovate and get creative when we need to!


I launched my first digital learning product during the pandemic! I had so many people texting and messaging me with tips on how to take better photos from home that I decided to put together two guides to help my tribe.

My first guide teaches people simple and easy ways to leverage their photos to take great headshots. It was inspired by my in-studio iPhone workshops … which you can learn more about and register for here.

My second guide is all about posing tips. People tell me how much they HATE getting their picture taken. I get it! We’re not taught how to pose in front of the camera. So if I can’t be with my clients to help guide them through posing in ways that are flattering to their beautiful faces and incredible bodies, then my guide can help!

These guides were definitely labors of love! My team and I worked hard to create these simple and helpful guides. Had it not been for pressing pause on my normal photography business, I might not have had the time to create these guides.


I had a blast working with Buckingham Greenery on a series of floral photographs! These photos were definitely creative. I had the idea to play with a big arrangement of flowers as a “pseudo” head. After our scheduled photos, I jumped in to get some photos to remember the incredible shoot!

Portrait of me taken by my amazing husband, Jeff.


Like so many business owners, I had to quickly get up to speed on how to keep my photo sessions and studio safe for my clients. While it was not exactly my “favorite” project, it was so important to remind my clients how much care my team and I take to provide exceptional AND safe experiences! (You can learn more about my COVID-19 policy here.)


Just outside my studio is the most amazing willow tree. In spring, the light is breathtaking. I hosted a series of “Family Photo Sessions” at the tree and had the most amazing time! I got to meet neighbors that Jeff and I had never met before. I photographed families, couples and my clients got a great keepsake from this otherwise difficult time. Even though I’m known as Richmond’s Premiere Brand Photographer, I thoroughly loved doing family portraits, couple’s portraits, AND single’s dating portraits!


Jeff and I took advantage of Virginia’s gorgeous spring weather to ride our bikes and enjoy the outdoors. Those rides really helped reduce my stress, inspire new ideas and broaden my perspective on what REALLY matters in life.


When the news began reporting the staggering unemployment numbers, I knew I had to do something to help. I began offering “No Frills, No Contact” headshots to people to those who are unemployed and job-seeking. Your LinkedIn profile picture is SO important. I was able to charge just enough to cover my costs while giving amazing people a great headshot for their job search efforts. (All done safely, of course!). My next headshot event will be Wednesday, June 17th from 3 - 4:30 pm.


SWaM stands for Small, Women-Owned, and Minority-Owned Business. It’s a state program of Virginia that helps to enhance procurement opportunities for SWaM businesses participating in state-funded projects. I received my certification during the pandemic. Completing the paperwork was NOT my favorite thing to do, but I used the pandemic to invest in my small business’s future.

80+ 5-Star Reviews (And Counting!)

I strive to give my clients 5-star experiences and 5-star personal branded images. I’m so grateful that so many past clients have acknowledged me with their Google reviews. During the pandemic, I reached a new milestone: I surpassed 80 5-star reviews! And there’s more to come!


I’m grateful that my clients have rescheduled their shoots with me. It’s been wonderful to return to my personal branding and executive branding photoshoots. I’m also re-launching my in-studio iPhone Photo Workshops, and I’m thrilled to re-launch my signature Headshot Parties on Thursday, June 25 from 3-6:30 pm!

This has been a tough time for so many small business owners. I’m so grateful for your continued support. I learned a lot during this time and admire the resilience and resolve of our community!


What I learned about creating IdentityRVA


Living Your Authentic Personal Brand