Richmond VA Photographer Announces New Location for Personal Branding Photos

I love my work because I get to connect with people who have a passion for making an impact. I work with amazing entrepreneurs, coaches, authors and leaders in Richmond and all over who get up every day to help others to do more, be more and have more.

That passion inspires me to do more, be more and to give back more to my clients.

My Richmond, VA Photography Studio

I built my Richmond photography studio several years ago to give my clients a gorgeous, comfortable environment:

  • With tons of windows and light

  • Plenty of space for my Dream Team to help my clients with hair, makeup, and wardrobe

  • And, of course, the perfect space for our photo sessions

All of the amazing experiences I’ve had at my studio with my amazing Dream Team and clients have created such positive energy: my clients tell me they can feel it when they walk into my studio. And that’s important: because many of my clients feel a little uneasy about having their photograph taken.

Kim Brundage Photography Studio

Beth Merchant Branding Photo

Angela Patton Branding Photo

That’s why I like to make my clients feel at home: whether they are in my studio, or if I am on location at their business or in an environment that is indicative of their work and contribution.

Personal Branding Photography

One of the ways I help my clients to feel at home is by surrounding them with objects that signify their personal brand. For example, one of my clients is the founder of prep4health, who focuses on all plant-based food, so I had her bring some of her favorite vegetables that she likes to cook with to our photo shoot. Instead of generic environment, I use these props to help reinforce my client’s personal brand.

Kim Brundage Photography Studio – Kelly Nentwich Personal Branding

New Richmond, VA Photography Studio

This year, I wanted to step it up a notch and give my clients yet another opportunity to leverage their personal portrait branding sessions.

That’s why I am excited to announce that in addition to my amazing studio, my clients now have the opportunity to book their personal branding sessions with me at Paisley & Jade!

New Richmond Photography Studio Paisley & Jade

Professional Photography Studio at Paisley & Jade

I’ve collaborated with Paisley & Jade for a while now, renting backdrops and furniture for my clients’ personal branding sessions. I met the founders, Morgan and Perkins, awhile ago—they are a delight to work with!

Recently, I upped our collaboration on a new venture: hosting personal branding spaces at their location!

Paisley & Jade Photography Studio

Paisley & Jade Photo Shoot

Paisley & Jade, Stephen Moegling

Paisley & Jade is located in Scott’s Addition—super convenient to get to. But what’s really important to know is how versatile and how many options their space gives us!

Personal Branding Session

Recently I provided photography services for Stephen’s personal branding session. Stephen is a marketing and growth consultant. He has spent two decades helping companies to grow. For Stephen, growing your business is about thinking differently about your prospective clients, appreciating the nuances of their decision-making, hopes, desires and helping them with unmet needs.

I’ve known Stephen for a while now, and what I notice about him is that he’s a THINKER. So it wasn’t a surprise when I asked him to bring props to his branding portrait session and he brought an owl figurine. He said he tries to be wise, like an owl, and study his clients’ market, competition and opportunities.

New Photography Studio, With Stephen Moegling, And Owl.

For Stephen’s branding session at Paisley & Jade, I helped him pick out a custom backdrop, props and different couches and chairs for his session. Because we did the photo session at Paisley & Jade, they had so much to choose from. And the staff was right there, like clockwork, helping set up for each new photograph.

My new collaboration with Paisley & Jade allows me to give my clients even more flexibility, choice, and options for their photo shoots.

Richmond, VA Photography

Personal Branding

This space is perfect my clients who want:

  • Extra “texture” and design options

  • More choices in backgrounds, furniture, and props

  • The ability to step outside and get different looks in/around Scott’s Addition

  • The X-factor that puts their personal branding portraits over the top

I bring all my “tools of the trade” to Paisley & Jade when I photograph my clients. And there’s plenty of space for my Dream Team to do hair, makeup, and wardrobe with the same 5-star treatment like in my studio.

Booking the space and your session with me is easy. Just click here for us to schedule a time to chat. I’ll learn more about your goals and share all of the fabulous things you can expect working with me at my studio or on location at Paisley & Jade.

I always close my emails and posts with “It’s Your Time” because I believe that to my heart: it’s your time to have what you want and deserve. I look forward to working with you and helping you have, do and be what you want and deserve.

It’s your time,


Personal Branding Photography Best Practices


New Year Intentions