This Branding Photographer Puts You at Ease for Your Executive Headshots

The founding partners of Greene Hurlocker, Attorneys of Law in Richmond, VA

Very few people in this world actually enjoy having their pictures taken. The minute a camera is aimed at us, we tend to feel self-conscious and uncomfortable. I’ve even had a handful of professionals tell me they used to skip school on picture days!  That can relegate  “Update my executive headshot” to the very bottom of your “to-do” list (right below having a root canal or paying a late fee on your credit card bill for a mistake your bank made) headshot.

I get it! I’m an award-winning professional photographer and I feel the same way about having my picture taken. Since I specialize in executive headshots, part of my goal is to make even the most nervous client feel comfortable, confident, and as relaxed as possible. Most of my sessions even actually end up being fun for my clients. 

Here’s how I accomplish this:


Deciding what to wear to make sure you’re putting your best (most on-brand) foot forward during your photoshoot is the first (and often biggest) issue you’ll face. Before your session, I’ll send you some suggestions for what might work best for your photoshoot. Then we’ll jump on a video chat together and go through your options, choosing together the ones that will help you stand out in the best possible way. That way, you’ll know with 100% certainty that you’ve made the best wardrobe choice for your photoshoot.

On the day of your shoot, the amazing and friendly stylist on my team will help you make final decisions about what to wear. She’s an integral part of your experience for the day and stays with us through the entire shoot, making sure everything lies the way you want it to and providing a crucial extra set of eyes so there are no surprise flyaway hairs, collars caught in your sweater, or off-center necklaces or ties. 


Whether you normally don’t wear much makeup or fuss with your hair, or you never leave your house without being “made up,” the look you’ll need for fabulous headshots is different from your everyday look. 

My professional make-up artist team member will take time to consult with you, find out which look most appeals to you, and then expertly apply your makeup and style your hair so you’re camera-ready and feel beautiful before you step in front of the camera or I take the first photo.

If you’re a busy executive, we can also bring the studio to you. My team will set up and stage the perfect backdrop and area for the photos to happen, as well as set up the hair/makeup and wardrobe areas. You can see photos of an executive headshot session I did for GreeneHurlocker, Attorneys at Law ontheir blog

Greene Hurlocker wanted a consistent background and for their files to be turned in PNG’s so they could put their images on different backgrounds.


I know what I’m looking for when I’m doing a photoshoot, but I want to make sure you’re in control. That’s why, from the beginning of the shoot,  you get to see every photo as I take it. I might think a photo is great but you might not agree and insist that I  delete it immediately… Not a problem and  DONE! If there’s one you really love,  we’ll call that a finalist right there, on the spot. Then, before the shoot is over, we’ll decide together which photo will be your new executive headshot. That’s the one I will edit and finalize. It’s 100% your decision (with as much input from me as you’d like). 

I’ve found this way of total transparency during the shoot (instead of taking the photos and asking you to wait a few weeks to see the results and choose the ones you like) reduces a lot of worry about what you’re going to get. It also allows us to make changes “on the fly” during your session, also ensuring that the end results are exactly what you want.

The Greene Hurlocker team also wanted candid images captured so their clients could relate to them on a personal level as well as professional.


As a corporate branding photographer with marketing expertise, I know what questions to ask ahead of time to ensure your final photos represent not only how you look, but who you are (as a human and as your company brand). As we prepare for your shoot, I’ll ask for 3 to 5 words you want to convey with your headshot. Just thinking this through helps you set your intention for the shoot. At the beginning of our shoot, you’ll tell me your words and I’ll ask you to connect to a time when you experienced those words. This helps you focus on those feelings instead of me, which makes your time in front of the camera much more relaxing (brilliant, right?!) It also gives me inspiration for the most interesting, impactful poses.


Any photographer can take your picture. What my team and I give you is not just a “service.” We pride ourselves on our experience together being a true collaboration. We all work together to create the best possible executive headshots.

I mentioned GreeneHurlocker earlier in this post. For their staff's executive headshots they asked them to bring something to represent a hobby or interest. That  made  the resulting branding headshots brought even more fun,  made the photoshoots something to look forward to instead of dread, provided a nice break from the usual workday, and, most importantly, made their final shots much more personal and interesting

“Kim and her team were punctual and worked with each of our lawyers and paralegals in a thoughtful, classy, and organized way. We HIGHLY recommend Kim to anyone looking for first-class service and amazing photos.”

— Brian Greene, Greene Hurlocker Law Firm

My clients always get my team’s seamless service and my award-winning photography, which is why my 5-star Google reviews include these statements: 

  • The entire process from start to finish was seamless and once you have worked with Kim you will never want to be photographed by anyone else. I have worked with so many gifted photographers and stylists over the years in a variety of cities and industries, but no one beats Kim. - Caroline Davis

  • Kim is a Master Photographer. She knows her craft but she also knows people.  We did a branding shoot together in the studio and on location.  From A to Z she made the whole process very easy for me and I am beyond happy with the results! - John Crouse

  • I have to say I was a bit leery of the whole photoshoot concept. But boy was I wrong! Kim’s team of professional makeup and wardrobe artists made me feel like a Hollywood actor on the set of a motion picture. This is as high-end as it gets. She put me right at ease and was able to capture the real me on film. - Ron Yeaw

  • Typically, I intensely dislike getting my photo taken and am usually dissatisfied with results. Not this time! The quality of the end-product was superb and the process from start to finish exceeded expectations. - Angela Spencer

  • I was dreading the day because I just didn’t know what to expect and I had in no way mentally prepared for being “on”. Kim and her team prepared me ahead of time with lots of instructions and then I was greeted by her teammate who was so friendly! The hair and makeup team made me feel like a queen and then Kim settled me down and took pictures that I never knew were inside of me. - Jane Dufrane

  • Really loved the pre-branding photo session interview. Kim took the time to know me, my personal brand, and what I wanted to accomplish with my images. She brought a true pro-quality to the entire experience. Highly recommended for anyone ready to invest in their brand! - Stephen Moegling

Are you ready to create your best headshot with your own personal branding photographer? I’m booking executive headshot sessions and personal branding sessions in the Phoenix area through March 2022. If you’re located somewhere else in the country, I am also available to travel to your area. Let’s talk about how we can make your next professional headshot your favorite (and one you’ll be proud to use in all of your marketing).


4 Headshot Photography Myths You Can Discard Today


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