Lessons Learned: Relaunching My Website

When I launched my photography business in Richmond, Virginia, I had to learn a lot about starting my business. One thing I had going for me, though, was my marketing background. I had been in marketing for major corporations and hospitals: I knew about branding and marketing! I knew the kinds of marketing materials and resources to invest in: like a website.

Since launching my photography business, I’ve re-done my website several times. I’m writing this having just re-launched my site on a whole new platform. I wanted to share a few lessons learned in case you’re thinking about redoing your website. Your website is often the first impression prospective clients and customers have of you. You want that first impression to be great!

Redoing your website is no small undertaking, even if you have talented people to help you. And that leads me to my first recommendation!

Decide How Much Time You’ll Commit To Keeping Your Website Fresh and Up-to-Date

Websites are living, breathing marketing engines. Google rewards websites that have current, up-to-date content. That might mean writing new blog posts, updating your portfolio or calendar of events. You want your website to work for you, and not the other way around!

You can pay people to maintain your website, but you still need to put time in to guide your teams and vendors to keep your website looking and running awesome. Make sure you plan up front how frequently you’ll be updating your website to keep it fresh and engaging with new prospects.

Decide What Is Worth Investing In

As a personal and executive branding photographer, image matters to me. That’s why I invested in a new website that would do my images justice. I wanted my images to look beautiful on every screen. So I invested in a talented designer and developer who could build my new site to do my images (and my clients’ gorgeous faces) justice.

What matters most to you? Is it making it easy for people to book your services online? Then invest in that technology. Is what you care most about ensuring that customers can “look under the hood” and read case studies to know you are the expert you really are? Then you might invest in writing help to really convey all that you know and do for clients.

Decide If You Want to Be The “Techie” Or Pay for Technical Support

I love learning new technology for my photography and video services. But I do NOT love programming websites! So I made the investment to hire people more talented and passionate than me about that stuff to do that work.

And, to be honest, I think I have the best of both worlds with my new website platform. I hired a talented designer and programmer to build my new website, but I also decided to use a website platform that makes it easy for me to make changes to my website: like writing this new blog post, adding new portfolio images, etc.

Some of my most frustrating business moments were spent trying to get things fixed on my old website. No more! I want ease-of-use with my website.

Decide How You’ll Reinforce Your Brand On Your Website

Your website is an extension of your brand. People engage with you on your website: what impression do you want them to have? Your brand includes your logo, colors, messages, and, of course, your images! I always encourage my clients to use the branded images I take of them on their website. Make sure your website is designed to showcase your amazing face. You can do this on the home page, or on the About page of your business or brand. People buy from people. Make sure your personal brand is front and center!

Final Insight: You Have to “Own” Your Website!

As the business face and owner of your brand, you have to feel comfortable with your website: how it looks, what it says, and how you want to work within your site to make changes. Don’t abdicate responsibility to others, even if you have experts working for you to create the site.

You have to love your website. It’s yours, after all! So if you’re not feeling what the experts are telling you, keep asking questions until you understand what your experts are telling you. And if you’re STILL not feeling their recommendations, have the confidence to decide what you want and don’t want on your website.

Let’s connect if you’re thinking about redoing your website and want to learn more about what I've learned redoing my new site. I can share other “lessons learned” and advise on the key branded images you’ll want for your new site. I wish you the best on your website journey!


Let's redefine beauty!


From Executive Marketing Pro to Executive Branding and Headshot Photographer