10 Tips to Get the Most out of your LinkedIn Profile Image

Kerrie is a rock start in her profession so we posed her like the rock star she is.

It’s a new year and, if you’re like me (and most of the population), you’ve got some new goals as we start 2022. That’s awesome and a great first step. Now you need to take action to start realizing those goals.

The first thing I recommend if your goals are related to your business, is to update your LinkedIn profile so that you’re sure it’s working for you to help you realize them. Did you know that you only get about 3 seconds to make a first impression on LinkedIn? Also (fun fact), humans process images 60,000 times faster than text! Since your profile image will be the very first thing your potential client or employer looks at, it’s extremely important to make sure it’s working in your favor to make the best first initial impression possible

Your profile image should position you as not only a professional and an authority figure, but also convey the essence of who you are as a person, so people want to meet and/or hire you. 

Go to your LinkedIn account right now and take a good look at your current profile photo, and ask yourself these questions: 

  • Is it telling the story you want it to tell?

  • Is it consistent with your personal brand? 

  • Is it ensuring that you’re putting your best foot forward?

If your answer to any of the above questions wasn’t a resounding “YES!”, you’ll want to check out these 10 tips for fixing that right away.

#1 Use the Correct Resolution and Sizing

The ideal size for your LinkedIn profile picture is 400 x 400 pixels. Larger file sizes are also fine (although 8MB is the max), but try to avoid small, low-resolution images. If the picture looks a bit blurry or pixelated when you upload it, resize it accordingly.

#2 - Your Face should Take up at least 60% of your LinkedIn profile

The first thing people connect to in any situation is your eyes, followed by your expression. Since LinkedIn profile images are small, your eyes and your expression need to be large enough so people can see them and feel like they know you better because of your photo.

A far-away shot of you leading a group of people or at your favorite nature scene isn’t going to work for these purposes. You need an actual headshot that’s a close-up of your amazing face!

All of these ladies have slightly different expressions and poses that convey different messages to the viewer. What do you want to convey with your headshots?

#3 - It’s All About YOU!

LinkedIn is about connection. People connect with other people (specifically, faces). It’s imperative that you use a headshot of your face looking straight into the camera and making eye contact with the viewer. Make sure it is a headshot of only you and not you at a special event with someone cropped out. I know you may feel like you looked really good at that wedding and you got lots of compliments that day, but it’s much smarter to get all dolled up for a professional headshot that allows your personality to shine through along with your perfect hair and makeup. 

Want more details about how to ensure you get the perfect headshot? Check out my blog post on how to look  Confident, Relaxed, and Engaged in your headshots.

#4 - Keep Your  Background Simple

My favorite backgrounds are white, black, or gray, or a blurred-out brick background simple and nondescript backgrounds keep the attention on you (where it belongs).

I photograph professionals as well as entrepreneurs. Think about using your LinkedIn Banner with environmental images.

#5 - What’s your Expression Going to Be?

Fun Fact!

One study of 800 profile pictures found that people view you as more likable, competent, and influential if you smile in your pic. And smiles that show teeth were rated twice as likable as closed-mouth smiles.

With that being said, the way you smile and the context around it is a little more complicated thing to nail down. To figure out the best expression for your professional headshot, ask yourself what 3-5 words best express want to convey with your profile photo. Are you in a serious profession or one that’s more customer-facing? I pose criminal attorneys differently than I pose family law attorneys, for example.

Both are in the same general profession, but each has the need to convey something different to a potential client. A grinning or laughing Criminal Attorney may not seem hard-hitting enough, and a serious, unsmiling family law attorney may seem too rigid. Again, this all depends upon how you want to be portrayed (and it’s why I spend time to go over this with every client before their photoshoot, so we’re both on the same page about the images they need.

#6 - Use Soft Lighting

Lighting is a photographer’s paintbrush, and the proper lighting can make all the difference in a stunning headshot versus one that’s just okay. My light style mimics natural lighting because I want to make sure you look like your best, most authentic self, and I’ve found that natural light conveys that.

If you prefer being photographed outdoors, find an overcast day or the side of the building that’s in the shade. This will ensure the most natural, even lighting without it being too bright.

All of my lighting mimics natural lighting. I use a wide aperture to blur out the background so you are the focus. Lisa Dearden is the CEO Chik N Egg, a Richmond VA kitchen incubator.

#7 - What Do I Wear?

I recommend wearing what you would wear for work. Better yet, wear what you would wear on an important workday, i.e. if you have a presentation or lunch with the boss. I also recommend that all of my clients wear what makes them feel most confident.

Your clothing should support your personal brand, and the easiest way to do that is with color. Solid colors work best and can make a bold statement. Be careful with patterns. Some work fine, but certain patterns can be distracting and detract from the connection you’re hoping to create with your photo. When you sign up for a Headshot session with me, I’ll send you a wardrobe guide and we’ll go over some good choices for the actual shoot. Then, on the day of the headshot, you’ll bring a few different outfits with you and my wardrobe stylist will help you decide which outfit works best for your body shape and your personal brand, and what will photograph best.

#8 - Don’t use Avatars

Cartoon avatars are cute and fun and great for Facebook or Instagram, or any social media site where you’re NOT attempting to get a job or connect with potential clients They don’t convey the real you and, worse than that, they aren’t professional. Don’t hide behind an avatar or cartoon depiction of yourself, no matter how cute it is. Let your authentic self shine with a great headshot instead.

Most people purchase additional images to use for their different social media needs.

#9 - Don’t Overlay all the Filters

 As I’ve already said, you want to make sure your headshot is the best version of yourself AND the real you, so make sure you’re recognizable as the person in your photo when you show up in person (which you’re going to have to do at some point). Using an out-of-date photo where you’re younger, at a different weight, or have a different hairstyle or color is unprofessional. You’re beautiful just the way you are, right now, and this is the person people want to connect with, not some outdated version of you

#10 - Make Sure you are Proud of Headshot!

Feeling amazing about the way that you look in a photo has a profound effect on your confidence. I’ve seen clients who are proud of their headshot put themselves out there. They’ve asked for that raise, applied for a promotion, and have leveled up their business.

One of the things I do during every photo shoot is to ensure that my clients see their images before they leave our Headshot session. I want to make sure you love your headshot and are proud to lead with it, and I encourage communication during your session to make sure we get the best possible photo of you

What having a great profile picture means for you

A great profile photo is your first chance to communicate that you are friendly, likable, and trustworthy — attributes that are crucial to getting prospects to engage with you. 

To increase your LinkedIn response, recruiter messages, and referral rates, invest in a good profile picture that you’re proud of.  

Think of it as your first step toward building your personal brand on LinkedIn and the best way of making yourself stand out from the competition. Now that’s worth investing in! 

Are you still unsure about having a professional photoshoot?

That’s totally okay. Ioffer a free 15-minute consultation so we can get to know each other and you can determine whether or not you feel comfortable working with me. Let’s chat about what you want out of your professional photos! 


Executive Headshots for Ferguson in Newport News, Virginia


Thinking About Dating Again? Get More Views with Photos That Reveal Your Personality