6 Tips to Help You Look More Confident, Relaxed and Engaging in Your Headshots

Meghann looks confident, relaxed and engaged in her headshot.

As a professional headshot photographer, I know from experience that you can have the best photographer money can buy, but if you don’t look relatable, comfortable, and engaging in your photos, they’re not going to have the effect you’re hoping for. 

I’m sure you know that being relaxed before and during a headshot photo session makes it easier for your personality and professionalism to shine through. How do you get to a relaxed, comfortable state while doing an activity that most people avoid and dread?

Great question! Here are some ideas I share with my clients that have made a huge difference in how their final photos turn out. 


How do you relax? For some people, it’s a hot, relaxing bath. Some people meditate or listen to their favorite playlist. You know what relaxes you, so plan time to engage in that activity before your headshot session so you’ll be in the perfect headspace, and your confidence will be front and center.


Great photographers engage with and prepare you long before your actual session, so you should already have an idea of what your photographer is like before they point a camera at you. That’s the beginning of your relationship and makes it easier to interact with them during your session. Trust me, your photographer loves it when you ask them a few questions before your session begins and interact with them during the session because they know those things help you feel even more comfortable with them.

To that end, I always offer a 15-minute consultation to my clients so we can get to know each other better. Without this time with my client, I wouldn’t dream of doing their photoshoot.


Your headshots are meant to tell a story, so don’t feel like you have to freeze for several seconds as you wait for the camera to click. Your photographer loves movement, so move your head and shoulders and try out different poses as the photographer directs you. Laughter is the best way to relax, so don’t be afraid to laugh and joke during your session.

Finally, don’t worry about angles and lighting. That’s your photographer’s job. They’ll make sure you’re always photographed from the best angle and that the lighting is adjusted so you look your best. 

Most importantly, remember to breathe! This may seem like an obvious tip, but nerves naturally cause you to breathe less and more shallowly, making you feel more anxious, which will show through in your photos.

JJ White is Dale Carnegie Franchise Owner, Speaker, Coach, and an all-around great person. He wanted his headshots to let his personality shine through.


Because you want your headshots to reflect your true character, it helps to repeat 3 to 5 words that speak to your character. For example, if “confident, professional, and trustworthy” are your words, think about a time in your career when you felt totally confident, professional, and trustworthy. “Feel” those feelings as you remember that time. 

This helps lessen your natural nervousness about being photographed as you refocus on a time when you felt strong and confident. It seems like a simple trick, but it works incredibly well.


“What should I wear?” is the most frequent question I get from my clients. Your headshot session is not the time to try a new hairstyle or change up your wardrobe style. You want to look and feel like the best version of yourself, and part of that is feeling comfortable in what you’re wearing and how you look. It’s why I always include some guidance as my clients plan their photoshoot wardrobe and why we meet via video chat prior to their sessions so I can help them decide exactly what to wear. 

Your outfit is an important part of your brand. With a marketing and branding corporate background, I know how to ensure that my clients’ headshots are consistent with their brand. 

That’s why I have a wardrobe stylist on-site throughout every photoshoot and a makeup and hairstyle specialist to ensure my clients are camera-ready and look their absolute best before the shoot. Everyone on my team asks them what 3 to 5 words they’ve chosen to best convey who they are in their photos to make sure we end up with the best possible result.

 This will help you feel more confident and relaxed for your photos.

All of these headshots convey slightly different messages. All look confident, relaxed and engaging. Their true essence comes forth.


It’s frustrating to go through all the trouble of getting ready for a photoshoot, spending a few hours posing, and having zero ideas about how the photoshoot is going or how your images are turning out until a few weeks later when you get to see them. 

I want my clients to feel like they have total control during their shoot, so they get to see every image I take, delete the ones they hate (regardless of how I feel about them), and identify the ones we’ll put on their “finalist” list. I promise I won’t let you leave until I know you love your new headshot.

There you have it – 6 tips that will help you have a more positive headshot experience.

Most importantly, remember to have F-U-N!

One last thing...

I want you to know I Get IT!

I used to hate having my picture taken, too. I finally saw my beauty when I took my own self-portraits after learning posing and lighting techniques. I specialize in photographing people who hate to have their pictures taken.


One that makes you feel attractive, confident, and real.


I return to Richmond, VA, quarterly, and I’m available to come to you anywhere in the U.S. any time of year. Make sure to get added to my mailing list to learn more about how we can best work together.

Not sure which of my services is best for you? Set up a free consultation, and let’s decide together!

Kathy Harman is a life coach, speaker, author, and a dear friend of mine. She wanted to show her passion for helping people live their best life!


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