5 Compelling Reasons to Get your Brand Portraits Taken

Kim Brundage Photography 2022, Richmond, VA

Branding for your business (no matter how big or small it is) has never been more important than it is today. That’s because the online world, where we do most of our promotions, is so visual. Just “any old photo” won’t work anymore. Having great, branded photos is the key to your success.

Here are five compelling reasons why you must have several great, up-to-date brand photos at your disposal for promoting yourself or your business online:

Kim Brundage Photography 2022, Richmond, VA

Reason #1: We’re Wired for Connection

You may not like to have your picture taken, but your potential ideal clients want you to do it anyhow! Humans are curious beings, and because we’re all built for connection, a potential client wants to see what you look like before they do business with you. You owe it to them to show them a current, accurate photo that draws them in and makes them want to work with you.

Is your Headshot updated? You should strongly consider updating it if it is more than two years old. I know that you may not like the aging process (who does?), but it happens to all of us. Trust me, who you are now is who your clients want to do business with. YOU are your greatest brand asset, and you’re beautiful just the way you are TODAY. A good brand photographer can help you embrace your strengths and feel great about how you look in photographs at your current age.

If your headshot is old and doesn’t look like you, you’re being inauthentic. If someone hires you based on an old photo and the “you” who shows up looks completely different, you’re starting off your business relationship on shaky ground, and your potential client likely won’t trust you. It’s a good way to lose business.

Kim Brundage Photography 2022, Richmond, VA

Reason #2: People Buy from People They Know, Like, and Trust

They say a picture is worth a thousand words! You’re building trust when people see a recent picture of you and they instantly feel like they know (and like) you. Great brand photographers possess the skill and knowledge to understand how to capture that in a photo.

For example, I work with my clients prior to their actual photoshoot to make sure we’re both clear about how they want to come across and how to make sure their brand is front and center in their photos. I have them think about 3-5 words they want their finished photos to convey and we talk about things like locations, props, and wardrobe choices that will support those words. It helps set the intention and gives me inspiration about how to pose them as well.

Kim Brundage Photography 2022, Richmond, VA

Reason #3: The Quality of Your Brand Attracts the Quality of Your Client

Think about some of the biggest brands with which you interact. Walmart doesn’t look like Target, and Target doesn’t look like Nordstrom. Each brand is specifically positioned to attract a different type of client, and they all use branding to accomplish this.

Your brand needs to be specific to who you want to attract as well. And that means sharing photos representing who you are, what you’re like, and what it would be like to work with you. Using stock photography in your branding may seem like a great way to save money on the surface, but it’s inauthentic and can damage your brand and your bottom line. 

Plus, when you invest in yourself by having professional portraits taken, your clients notice (even if it’s only unconsciously). They will pay more for your services because they see that you are a serious brand who’s willing to invest in your business for the long haul. It’s the first step toward building trust with a new client. 

Kim Brundage Photography 2022, Richmond, VA

Reason #4: Brand Consistency is Important

Customers appreciate it when a business has a consistent brand. In fact, according to a 2019 report by Lucidpress, consistent brand presentation has been seen to increase a company’s revenue by 33 percent. It’s that important.

When you do a branding session with me, we carefully select five outfits that all align with your brand, and the backgrounds, props, and poses we use also help tell your brand story. You can interchange these images on your website, social media, and other marketing materials to ensure that your brand is front and center in every place you’re showing up online.

Kim Brundage Photography 2022, Richmond, VA

Reason #5: It can be a Transformative Experience For Your Personally

As a brand photographer, I’ve seen it again and again…when my clients have images they love of themselves, it can transform their confidence and make it much easier for them to put themselves out there boldly!

My most important mission is to show people their beauty. I believe everyone is uniquely beautiful. I also know that it’s usually easier for others to see our beauty than it is for us to see it.

You probably think you’re not photogenic, mostly because that’s the message you’ve gotten from society and possibly from the people in your life for your whole life. I get it. I used to think like that, too, until I photographed myself and finally saw my unique beauty. It was a game-changer for me.

I believe if you believe you’re beautiful, your confidence will be higher. You’ll go for your dreams and goals if your confidence is higher. We'll have a stronger community if you pursue your dreams and goals.

Make sure you check out my Headshot Parties. You’re always welcome to make a complimentary 15-minute consult with me also.


5 Locations to Have Your Branding Session in Sarasota


My Core Mission ~ To Show You Your Unique Beauty