How Women Can Develop and Promote their Personal Brand

As an entrepreneur, you probably hear how important your “personal brand” is all the time. Having a personal brand that allows you to stand out has many benefits, from helping you connect with your ideal clients and people who need what you’re offering to help to build your reputation in your industry. A great personal branding photograph can communicate who you are, and what you stand for, and help you truly stand out from your competitors.

But personal branding has some unique challenges for women entrepreneurs. According to research, women are expected to come across as agreeable, warm, and nurturing. It’s called the “likability conundrum.” Because of this stereotype, if your brand includes features that may seem “masculine” (like strength or being bold or assertive), there’s an inherent bias simply because you’re a woman.

So how can you, as a woman, share your strength within your brand without worrying about it having a negative impact on your business? 

Here are three strategies that might help:

#1: Broaden Your Network

We tend to be attracted to people who are like us. While this works great with friends in your personal life, it’s not the best plan in your business. Networking within your industry is easy, but it also keeps your network small and insular because only a select group of people know about your talents and abilities. Plus, people within your industry probably assume they “know” you and that brings expectations that can keep you in a narrow lane.

So, in addition to those with whom you regularly network, make it a point to get outside of your circle of influence and get your brand in front of people from different industries and areas of your life. For instance, you could make a point of building professional connections with people you meet through hobbies, with your neighbors, parents at your kids’ school, or friends of friends. This is pretty easy on social media, but it’s also important to focus on in your day-to-day life.

#2: Control Your Brand Message

Humans are pretty self-centered. We assume that if something is true for us (or something changes in our lives), others should be aware of it. Social media can give us an even more false sense of this, because we may believe that if we share something, everyone sees it. Even if that were true (which it's not), people are overwhelmed with information. They’re simply not paying close enough attention to us or our professional trajectory to keep track of what we’re up to. It’s truly your job to make sure you’re always telling your “brand story” so that it’s easy for people to see and understand what you offer and how it can positively impact their lives.

One of the best ways to do this is to make sure you’re clear about exactly what you offer, the benefits that you bring to others, and precisely who your ideal client is so that when you speak about your business, you’re speaking directly to them. This is a huge part of your brand and, once you’re clear about it, it’s easy to communicate.

#3: Share Your Brand Publicly and Consistently

If you’re humble by nature, you may believe that you can keep a low profile and let your work “speak for itself.” That may work for the small group of people with whom you’re connected, but it won’t build your brand. Your personal brand imperative is to “toot your own horn” whenever possible.

As women, this can be difficult. Many women feel uncomfortable discussing their accomplishments, promoting themselves and their work, and offering their services. A big part of this process is creating content that shares your brand dynamically and compellingly and invites your ideal clients to interact with you around your expertise and their needs. You might post a testimonial about your work or share an image of yourself working in your office. This is a natural way to connect and share and often feels more comfortable. Plus, showing your strength and confidence is easier if you share and intending to connect with people.

The key to all of the above is branded images that represent you and your brand and that you feel fabulous about sharing regularly. The right image can attract attention, stop people from scrolling, and get them engaged with you in a positive, natural way.


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