11 Ways I Use Social Media to Build My Business

Hi friends. We all know social media is essential for helping us grow our businesses. It doesn’t matter if you’re a coach, entrepreneur, realtor, executive or professional dog walker—people buy from people. And people want to know who they’re doing business with. To stand out, you have to be on social media. But the question I get most often from clients during personal branding sessions is: “How do I use social media to build my business?”

Well, let me share 11 ways I use social media to grow Kim Brundage Photography every week. I hope you’ll take a few of these ideas and apply to help grow your business! Sharing is caring, so please share this post with someone you know who wants to grow their business and impact.

1. Give a shout out to clients.

I work with so many amazing men and women. I love to re-share my clients posts to help them reach and connect with people that they might be able to someday serve and impact.

2. Share resources that add value to my clients, prospects and referral sources.

Whenever I come across something I find of value, I love to share on my social channels. I can’t tell you how many books, videos and insights that have impacted my business just by scrolling my news feed.

3. Share recent projects.

I love sharing my clients’ personal branding images. I’m proud of the work I do and who I do it for. I use social media to share my recent projects. This lets my tribe know what I’m working on and always inspires and interesting conversation.

4. Ask for help!

If I’m looking for advice or a referral, I’ll use social media to get great feedback from my community. I value the advice and opinions of my tribe.

5. Support my tribe.

Similarly, I’ll take time to weigh in on a challenge or question someone I follow poses on social media. It’s a Pay It Forward strategy that helps me immensely and I always like to return the favor.

6. Let my tribe know where to find me.

I do a lot of speaking and events. I use social media to share where I’ll be. Social media is a great way to share events.

7. Offer inspiration.

I like to post great quotes and content to help my tribe stay motivated and inspired.

8. Hone my marketing and business chops.

I use social media for continuous improvement on my own marketing and business strategies. I follow a handful of world-class thought leaders. Every week, I pick up tips and strategies that help me keep my edge.

9. Give my prospects a sample of what it would be like to work together.

When I share recent client projects or behind-the-scenes videos and images, it lets my prospective clients know what it’s like to work with me.

10. Share new services.

I’m always looking for new ways to add value to my clients. I use social media to share new services, workshops and other ways I help my clients.

11. Get market feedback.

I use social media as a gut check for business ideas. Social media can be a powerful “real time feedback” engine.


I hope you noticed a pattern with my different ways of using social media to grow my business. It’s all about VALUE to my audience. Even when I share my services online, I try to do it in a way that adds value, and not just be a “pushy” sales technique. (Who likes pushy salespeople, anyway???)

I’m curious: how do you use social media to grow your business? Leave a comment below and let me know.

It’s Your Time,


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