Don't like your Smile? Try these 5 tips instead

You know you need to get in front of the camera, but you don’t like your smile 😃

Most of us probably have more about ourselves that we’d like to change than things we truly love. For example, lots of people don’t like their smiles. It’s not something they dwell on, but it becomes an issue when it’s time to get a headshot or have their picture taken with their loved ones. For someone who hates their smile, being told to smile or having someone shout,  “Say cheese!” instantly creates tension and elicits something more akin to a grimace than an actual, genuine smile. 

I was recently working in Richmond, VA, doing what I love to do best (capturing the perfect branding photos for corporations and entrepreneurs)! I noticed that lots of the clients with whom I was working didn’t like their smile. This could have adversely affected their shoot if we hadn’t identified and handled it before they stepped in front of the camera. 

So, I thought I would share my favorite tips for feeling comfortable during your next photoshoot.

Hopefully, these tips will help you achieve your natural, beautiful smile (whether you’re having your photo taken or not)!


I have yet to meet one client who loves to have their picture taken. When it comes to immortalizing ourselves forever in photos, every single gremlin or insecurity comes instantly to life. Professional photos are expensive and time-consuming. You want to look amazing and to be proud of your personal branded image. That alone can make even the most confident person a bit nervous during their shoot.

That’s ok! Just know that EVERYONE gets nervous before a photoshoot. A good photographer will help empower you through the preparation process and during the photoshoot. As a professional photographer, I know that my job is to do more than help with the dreaded “where do I put my hands” dilemma or to suggest flattering poses.  My job has much more to do with making sure you feel comfortable and at ease with yourself and with me, so we can capture that confidence in your photos.

So embrace the nerves and let your photographer worry about putting you at ease.

Cheryl has some pretty strong opinions on what her smile should look like and not look like that. After many attempts, she found two headshots she loved and that she was proud of. I’ve photographed Cheryl several times and she knows she will walk away with portraits she loves, but every single time, she is nervous. And that’s perfectly natural.

Tip #2: Forgot about the Camera

That’s easier said than done - I get it!

The key is to engage with the person behind the camera in the same way you would engage with a friend. It’s why I always take some time before the photoshoot to get to know my clients a bit and to let them get to know me. We both have the same goal - to get the best picture of you possible. If we’re friends, that’s a lot easier!

See the image below, I captured Kim having fun with the books she published. Note she is not looking at my camera 📸. This was the first image I captured of Kim during her photo session. I took it to help her “warm her up” and feel more confident. Most photographers will show you a sneak peek of the images they’re capturing at certain times during the session. I almost always do this after the first few shots I take. . When Kim saw this image, she was thrilled and was ready to keep going!

Kim publishes books at KWE Publishing. Try to get a shot of you not looking at the camera to start with and doing something fun!

Tips #3 - Know Photograhy’s Dirty Little Secret

I’ll let you in on a secret…the truth is that photographers have to take a lot of images to get that one great shot! This is true for landscape images as well as people, but even more necessary with people (and don’t even get me started on animals).

Most people assume that one image in a magazine or social media post was captured quickly and effortlessly. I promise you, that is literally NEVER the case. Every great photo you’ve ever seen was one of dozens (if not hundreds) where everything came together perfectly to create that stunning image.  

When I first started my professional photography career, this was super frustrating for me. I honestly thought that once I became a professional, I wouldn’t need to get a bunch of images to get that one great shot. I could not have been more wrong. I quickly came to realize that “all those pictures” are just part of the collaborative process between me and my client, and that the more images I get, the better chance we have of coming up with one (or several) that my clients love. That makes it totally worth it and much easier for me to accept now.


What message do you want to convey with your images? Here, LaMeisha looks like she is ready to engage in a conversation with you. LaMesiha will use this image as her Author Images for her upcoming book.

Tip #4 - Set your Intention

II always ask my clients what 3-5 words they want to convey with their images? By having my clients set their intention as we begin the session, they have something to focus on that is more important than the camera. Their intention connects them back to a time when they felt like the embodiment of those words in their career or life, giving them confidence and helping them relax. 

Connie Hom, CEO of Buckingham Greenery is a multiple, repeat client. In part, she returns because she knows she will be empowered every step of the way to have a personal branded portrait that she is proud of. Connie believes in updating her headshot every year.

Lesson #5: Find a Photographer that Empowers you Look & Feel your Best!

I know from my own personal experience that I used to HATE having my picture taken. It was impossible for me to show up as my best, most authentic self because I was always totally focused on how much I HATED having my picture taken.  So I understand completely when my clients tell me the same thing.

I work with my trusted wardrobe stylists Megan Wilson of SweetTalkStrategy and Jolinda Smithson of Shapes and Colors RVA. These two amazing professionals help my clients pre-select their outfits for our branding sessions and then whenever they are able, they join me on the day of the photoshoot. What I also appreciate about working with these talented ladies is that they run their own marketing businesses. They not only understand visual branding, but they also know how to look at what outfits will show up best on your body as well as for your website and social media.

I also work with local hairstylists and makeup artists who are experts at communicating with you and listening to what you want so they can get you camera-ready in a way that makes you feel authentically beautiful.

These are essential steps to help my clients feel confident before they get in front of the camera. I wouldn’t think of photographing someone without them.

Yes, even men get wardrobe assistance and camera-ready makeup for their headshots/branding sessions. Here Billy Dodd gets a headshot for the EFW Leadership page.


If all else fails as you try to feel great about a smile you’ve always hated (and sometimes it does), try this trick…think about one of your favorite memories. Is it going to the beach? Your favorite vacation? Is it the time you got engaged to your favorite person in the world? Is it your favorite activity? Is it the time you won an award? Take a second and allow the emotions from that most wonderful time in your life to wash over you. Most of the time, this evokes a real, radiant smile (I promise). I have literally never seen someone truly smile when I didn’t think their smile was beautiful. 


You do have a beautiful smile that looks natural and genuine. Relax and have confidence that your natural smile wants to be shown. 

Believing that is truly half the battle.


Wardrobe Styling: Megan Wilson, SweetTalk Strategy


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