How to Create Irresistible Services To Attract New Clients

I love photographing my amazing clients who are game-changers in their professions. One of the reasons my clients are superstars is that they’re always looking to create more value for their audiences.

Several years ago, I launched my Social Branding service to address my clients' unmet needs. My goal was to give them more image options that would help them magnatize their brands and attract more ideal clients.

I wanted to take you behind the scenes on my thought process to inspire you to innovate new ways to serve your audiences.

I’ve been a personal branding and executive photographer in Richmond, Virginia, and all over the country, as I’ve lived and worked in an RV with my husband for several years. I’ve been blessed to be ranked among the top photographers in Richmond and have over 75 5-star reviews on Google.

My signature service is Personal Branding, where I do an in-depth branding consultation to help my clients identify the exact branded look they want to achieve for their images. I specialize in photographing people who hate having their pictures taken but know they need images to market themselves.

I leverage my background in marketing to help my clients maximize the return on investment for their images. I also provide headshot photography, helping to create your “Anchor Image.” If you need just one branded image to represent you online, in media releases, etc., my Headshot Branding solution is the answer.

I noticed that many of my repeat clients returned to me and said, “Kim, I need more than a headshot … but I don’t need a full Personal Branding session. Can you help me???”

That’s when my Social Branding solution was born.

I call it the “Goldilocks Option” because you get more than a headshot, but without all the bells and whistles of my signature Personal Branding sessions.

Launching this service rejuvenated my business! It helped me serve my existing clients better and attracted a whole new clientele. This is the kind of innovation that can drive your business forward.

I wanted to share four lessons learned to help you innovate and find new ways to serve your audiences.

1. Create services that appeal to new clients AND existing clients alike.

As business owners and entrepreneurs, we often get so engrossed in attracting new clients that we overlook the value of our existing customers. This could mean missing out on opportunities to re-engage those who have already trusted us with their hard-earned money. My Social Branding service was inspired by my existing clients, who expressed a desire to work with me again. This was my chance to create a service that catered to their needs while also offering potential clients a fresh way to engage with my business.

2. Before creating something new, see if you can combine existing services into a new solution for your clients.

I always ask myself what the low-hanging fruit opportunity for my business is. Instead of reinventing the wheel, are there other ways to re-package my services to bring my clients something new that I didn’t have to create from scratch?

Don’t misunderstand me. I absolutely love to innovate and create entirely new services, like my Video Branding solution and the workshops I host. However, my Social Branding solution was born out of combining existing services to meet my clients' needs. This is the kind of innovation that can keep your business exciting and relevant.

3. Ask and listen to your audience.

As a former corporate marketer, I learned the value of listening to my audience. My clients kept telling me they needed more than a headshot but didn’t need my full Personal Branding solution. That feedback from my audience inspired my Social Branding offer. What are your audiences telling you that could inspire new services and offerings?

4. Test and learn as you experiment with your services.

In business, we have to be out there testing new ideas all the time, whether it be how we promote and connect with prospective customers on social media, or with our service offerings. We never know if our ideas are going to blossom until we test and experiment. I always say, Let the marketplace co-create with you. In other words, don’t create services in a vacuum. Talk to clients and prospective clients about your services. See what appeals to them. Invite your audience to help you shape your offerings. Take that feedback and apply it!

I love working with my amazing clients. They truly are rock stars and inspire me. I hope this article inspired you and we have the chance to work together. The first step is to schedule a complimentary consultation to see how we can maximize your personal brand to achieve your goals.

Are you interested in learning more about my Social Branding (or any of my branding) services? I’d love to jump on a free consultation to learn more about you and how I can help you magnatize your brand with branded photos that naturally attract your ideal clients. Get on my calendar HERE, and let’s chat!


Images to Remember Your Shared Memories Together


Corporate and Executive Branding Inspiration For Your Next Photo Shoot