My Core Mission ~ To Show You Your Unique Beauty

My greatest honor as a photographer is when clients trust me enough to allow themselves to be vulnerable and step in front of my camera. It’s something I never take lightly. I know that my job is to ensure that my clients feel safe and nurtured in that space so that they feel beautiful and confident. Sometimes that’s a huge leap of faith. Often it means working with them to help them overcome a lifetime of limiting beliefs (just like I did). 

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How Women Can Develop and Promote their Personal Brand

As an entrepreneur, you probably hear how important your “personal brand” is all the time. Having a personal brand that allows you to stand out has many benefits, from helping you connect with your ideal clients and people who need what you’re offering to help to build your reputation in your industry. A great personal branding photograph can communicate who you are, and what you stand for, and help you truly stand out from your competitors.

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The 3 Stages of Entrepreneurship and Which Photos You Need for Each

There’s a lot to think about as an entrepreneur. People often push “branded photos for my business” to the bottom of their “to-do” list simply because they’re too busy to think about them. While I realize that business photos may not be something you’ve been told you need as an entrepreneur and as a branding photographer, I know they are absolutely essential.

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Is $1000 for a Headshot Over the Top?

A few months ago, a Wall Street Journal article generated quite a bit of buzz in my LinkedIn feed, and I truly enjoyed reading not only the article, but all the different opinions about it in the comments.

The article was titled, “The Perfect Professional Headshot is Worth $1,000, and Maybe Even a Job.” Many professionals in my LinkedIn network shared it and put in their two cents around it. Here’s an excerpt from the article that basically sums up what it was saying:

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My RV Life: Why Are We Doing This?

I love sharing with you through this blog. I usually write helpful articles about how to get the most out of your next photo shoot or how to use your professional photos to their maximum benefit on social media. But I’m also a fairly unique photographer because I live full-time in an RV with my husband. While I’ve referenced that occasionally here, I’ve never really shared many details, and people always ask me about it.

I thought I’d take a whole month and write a series sharing some of what I love (and don’t) about living the RV life. I’ll start with the basics this week and then delve more deeply into some of the details in the coming weeks.

Here are some of the questions I get about our RV life.

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Stop Waiting For Perfect

If you’re an entrepreneur who’s still using an outdated headshot, there are probably several reasons why. It’s possible that you don’t love having your photo taken (this is most people, by the way, so you’re not alone). It could also be that you’ve changed quite a bit since your last professional photos were taken (maybe your hair is grayer or you’ve put on a few pounds). This might also be something you just haven’t invested the time or money into, feeling like your current headshots are “good enough,” or still look enough like you that they’re fine.

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Personal & Small Business Branding Portraits Are More Important Now Than Ever Before

Whether you are a chef, photographer, real estate agent, fitness coach, or marketing manager. your personal brand and your image are more important than ever. Branded photographs that are creative, artistic, modern, and eye-catching help your business stand out by telling your brand’s story and providing an authentic experience to your ideal clients.

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10 Ways to Help Your Brand Stand Out On Social Media

Every branding photo shoot I do has one main goal; to get my clients the content they need so they can share their brand online. Having content that communicates what you do as well as who you are is more important than ever in the crowded social media space. You want to stand out and get noticed, and branded photos are the key to that.

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Executive Headshots That Don’t Scream “Executive Headshot” are my Speciality

I love working with corporate clients. It gives me the chance to meet lots of amazing, interesting people. I pride myself on giving each company with whom I work a cohesive, branded look in their company photos while still making sure each executive feels like their photos represent who they are as individuals.

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Why Every Small Business Needs a Brand Photo Shoot

The term, “small fish in a big pond” has never been more appropriate than it is right now in the world of small business online marketing. No matter how you market online (social media, your website, a blog, your podcast), chances are good you’re swimming in a very big pond with a lot of other people who are all vying for the attention of the same people you’re hoping to reach.

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9 Types of Branded Photos Every Entrepreneur Needs (and Where to Use Them)

If you’re an entrepreneur, I’m sure it’s become obvious to you that just having a few good headshots won’t cut it anymore when it comes to marketing yourself and your business. Branded photos that share who you are and what you do are essential to your overall brand and allow you to visually share with your audience in a way that will make them more likely to want to work with you.

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Your Smile is Your Greatest Branding Asset

I love talking with my clients about their personal brand because so much of what your personal brand encompasses is communicating who you truly are to your potential customers and clients. A personal brand is just that…personal. It means the photos we take need to communicate your personality. One of the best ways to do that is to make sure you smile.

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