Is it Okay to Share That Photo? Must-Know Posting Etiquette

Have you ever needed a photo for your blog post or LinkedIn article and searched Google Photos to find it? I’ll admit, it’s the quickest and easiest way to find that perfect image to make your content pop. You may even avoid any photos that have watermarks, knowing it’s not okay to share them without buying them first.

But did you know that not every licensed photo on the internet has a watermark? If your Google search leads you to a photo on someone else’s blog, for instance, and you download and use it without a watermark, it can lead to a huge headache for you if you’re not clear about the etiquette and rules around giving proper credit for photos you use for your content.

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6 Tips for Getting the Perfect Picture of Yourself

On my recent work trip to Virginia in March, I was interviewed for a local morning television show, “Virginia This Morning” on CBS 6. It was a little nerve-wracking, but also a blast!

During the interview, I shared with Jessica Noll my top 6 tips for getting you the Perfect Picture of Yourself. These are all simple and guaranteed to make a difference in your next photo shoot.

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5 Reasons You Probably Hate Having Your Picture Taken and What You Can Do About It

Having your picture taken is something virtually everyone (especially every woman) I’ve ever worked with has expressed some level of anxiety around. It’s an emotional thing to do (even for me).

It seems like all of my insecurities come straight to the forefront when I step in front of a camera and I’m plagued with negative self-talk about my hair, my face, my body, my wardrobe, you name it.

If that happens to you as well and you’re not careful, those voices can be so loud they become overwhelming and they shut you down (exactly the opposite of how you want to show up to get authentic, beautiful photos that allow the real you to shine through).

I’m here to tell you that those voices are liars. I’m here to tell you that you matter.

Let me repeat that for those in the back who may still be hiding behind their hands, afraid to “smile for the camera.”

❤️ You matter ❤️

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Are You A Speaker? It’s Time for Headshots That Start A Conversation With Your Audience

If you use speaking as part of your personal brand, you’re an expert at showing up and connecting with your audience live (either in person or virtually). That’s great once you’re actually in front of people, but in order for your brand to reflect who you are as a speaker, you need still photos that capture the essence of your speaker persona.

You want your branding images to make people feel like they’re already part of the conversation you have with your audience from the stage. Without these photos, your dynamic speaker personality won’t come through to potential booking agents or clients who are looking for exactly what you deliver from the stage.

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10 Tips to Get the Most out of your LinkedIn Profile Image

It’s a new year with new goals. It’s time to update your LinkedIn profile or at least make sure it checks these boxes.

You only get about 3 seconds to make a first impression on LinkedIn. Your profile image will be the very first thing your potential client or employer looks at.

Fun Fact:

Did you know that humans process images 60,000X faster than text?

Be sure you’re telling the story you want which is consistent with your personal brand and putting your best foot forward.

Your profile image should position you as the professional and the authority figure you are.

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5 Business Headshot Mistakes to Avoid Today

Visuals are an integral part of making a lasting first impression online. When potential clients, business partners, or employers want to put a face to your resume, what would they see?

A professional headshot session is a sound business investment for a number of reasons, but only if you use it to your advantage.

Here are the mistakes you should avoid.

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6 Tips to Help You Look More Confident, Relaxed and Engaging in Your Headshots

As a professional headshot photographer, I know from experience that you can have the best photographer money can buy, but if you don’t look relatable, comfortable, and engaging in your photos, they’re not going to have the effect you’re hoping for.

I’m sure you know that being relaxed before and during a headshot photo session makes it easier for your personality and professionalism to shine through. The question is, how do you get to a relaxed, comfortable state while doing an activity that most people avoid and dread? Great question! Here are some ideas I share with my clients that have made a huge difference in how their final photos turn out.

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Top 5 Personal Branding Mistakes

Personal branding has the power to greatly augment your success. It can set you apart from your competition, it can establish your credibility in your field, and it can be what cements relationships between you and your clients. It’s everything that you say, do, post. It’s how you carry yourself, how you interact with others and the impression that you make.

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Girls for a Change Historical Portrait Session - Fighting for the Forgotten Women

I thought I had paid attention. I hadn’t paid enough attention. There I was, in my naive cocoon, not even close to recognizing the full extent of my white privilege. 2020 was my wake-up call. Girls for a Change helped me see differently and gave me the opportunity to assist in the fight for the Forgotten Women.

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Following my Intuition in the Everglades

I was going for a morning walk with one of my best friends. We saw these 3 beautiful free spirits and exchanged morning pleasantries. A little bell went off in both of us. We quickly talked about it and then promptly turned around.

I asked them if I could photograph them. It is so funny because the reaction is always: Who me? Why me? All the gremlins about getting your picture taken instantly come out.

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Don't like your Smile? Try these 5 tips instead

Most of us probably have more about ourselves that we’d like to change than things we truly love. For example, lots of people don’t like their smiles. It’s not something they dwell on, but it becomes an issue when it’s time to get a headshot or have their picture taken with their loved ones. For someone who hates their smile, being told to smile or having someone shout, “Say cheese!” instantly creates tension and elicits something more akin to a grimace than an actual, genuine smile.

I was recently working in Richmond, VA, doing what I love to do best (capturing the perfect branding photos for corporations and entrepreneurs)! I noticed that lots of the clients with whom I was working didn’t like their smile. This could have adversely affected their shoot if we hadn’t identified and handled it before they stepped in front of the camera.

So, I thought I would share my favorite tips for feeling comfortable during your next photoshoot.

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5 Lessons Learned: My first "on the Road" Branding Session in New Orleans

My previous beloved branding clients, Tek Chix, wanted to add to the marketing assets and update their branding images. Here are some quick lessons I learned while doing my first out of my home state of Virginia branding session. You can also apply these to your branding session, wherever you are at!

Lesson 1: Always do a site location preview the day before

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Eight Vital Lessons I learned from Downsizing Quickly

The Organizing shows are all the buzz and Richmond is getting a Container Store. I thought I was ready to downsize…then reality hit!

My husband and I decided in mid-July to sell our home, my car, and most of our belongings in exchange for living in a 300 square foot RV. We quickly sold our home and major items but downsizing presented quite the challenge.

See if any of these ring a bell for you!

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Let me Guess...You HATE Having your Picture Taken

Let me guess — You HATE having your picture taken?! Some of my clients agree that they would rather have a root canal then to have their picture taken!

These comments used to baffle me and it felt familiar! How could having your picture taken create so much angst?

After photographing HUNDREDS of amazing people, I identified the top three reasons people hate getting their picture taken. This insight led me to develop my own “Secret Sauce” for getting my clients to feel comfortable and confident during our photo sessions.

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They say to Leave on a High Note and this is What I've Decided to Do!

They say to leave on a high note and this is what I’ve decided to do.

2020 has been such a year of tremendous change. The forced “pause” in my business gave my husband, Jeff, and I time to reflect on what we want from our one precious and beautiful life together.

After much reflection, we decided to take a big leap to follow our bigger dreams ahead.

Jeff and I sold our home, my car, and our 4 bikes. We turned around and bought 2 more bikes, simplifying our lives all along the way.

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Inside Look: RVA Executive Branding Photography Do's and Don'ts

I have the best job in the world. I get to create branded portraits of amazing people to help share their message to future clients and open doors to new opportunities. Recently I was awarded Best Richmond Portrait Photographers, which is thrilling! This award, along with my distinction for being a Top Branding Agency and a Top 3 Commercial Photographers in Richmond, is due to my amazing clients.

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